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But for some reason, no matter what amazing powers and abilities I had, I still couldn't find my way closer to finding my foe's and taking my revenge upon them for taking everything away from me. I searched all the outskirts of the city from desert shack to desert shack, but still was not finding the right one. Klayton reminded me that the files were so old that the shack might not even be standing anymore, but I wasn't going to give up, not now or ever!

It has been over three months now, and lil Johnny was growing like a wild weed in the savannah. Kc kept her promise to the boy and took very good care of him, and every time Wes would try anything she would attack him like a mama bear protecting her cub...and when she wasn't strong enough to keep him off, she would get Luke in on it, because even though Luke didn't say much about it, he was, in fact, getting used to the little runt running around the shack, and was rather humored at the little things he did and said. Johnny never stopped talking about his parents to Kc, and she listened all the time, but he learned very quickly not to mention them when the men were around. But by the way, Johnny talked about his mommy in the past tense, he must have known the entire time that his mommy was dead.

It wasn't until the end of the fourth month that Johnny started calling Kc his mommy, and it set an even brighter love spark in her heart because she couldn't ever have children and now she had one that actually wanted to be apart of her. So one day while Luke and Wes were out doing whatever it was they did, Kc sat Johnny down and asked him to tell her the entire story about how he came to be here with her, if he remembered, and if he didn't remember it was ok too. Johnny looked down at his dirty little bare feet and said he remembered it all. Kc touched his face and asked him to tell her about it.

Johnny said that Luke and Wes came to his daddy and mommy's house looking too shiny things to put into baggies, and when they made lots of noises in the hallway he thought it was mommy and daddy, but it wasn't, they then grabbed him and hurted him as they tossed him into big bag, then he heard his mommy screaming from the other room, so he peeked his head out of the baggie just long enough to see Wes hurt his mommy until she no longer moved on the bed, then he hurt him hard enough to make him sleep, and the next thing he remembered was her opening the baggie and letting him out.

After hearing his sad story, she held onto him very closely as she had a few tears falling down her face. she couldn't believe it, her older brothers were a couple of murdering thieves. She quickly brushed her tears away so she wouldn't upset Johnny anymore, and asked him if he would like to help her get dinner ready, then they both could go outside together and play. Johnny smiled at her as he wrapped his arms around her neck so she could give him a ride into the tiny kitchen area so he could help her peel potatoes for the wild rabbit stew. She took the paring knife and handed him the child safe potato peeler so he could peel them while she sliced them before tossing them into the pot.

After they both finished, she put the pot with all the ingredients now in it on the stove and let it simmer on medium heat, so they could go out and play for a few hours without having to worry about burning the food or the shack down. Wes and Luke didn't come home until after 9:00 that night and Johnny was already asleep in Kc's bed up against the wall, and Kc was cleaning off the table and finishing up on stitching some new clothes for Johnny because he was quickly growing out of his other ones. Wes ate quietly then went straight to his room to sleep. Luke finished his dinner he stood up and said the food was good, then he slowly pulled out a stuffed bunny that he swiped from a sidewalk sale and handed it to Kc telling her it was for the lil shit to play with other than a few of the stick toys they made together. Kc kissed her older brother on the cheek as she thanked him for it, and that Johnny would love it.

Luke then walked over to the bed and looked down at Johnny as he slept and couldn't help but smile at the little guy but he didn't say another word and went into his room and as his door shut, the lights went out and Kc knew he went to sleep. Kc finished up Johnny's new shirt she was making him, then she too turned out the lights and crawled into bed next to Johnny and as she snuggled up to him, she told herself there was no way her oldest brother Luke could've killed anyone, sure he was a mean badass, but he wasn't a cold hearted animal like Wes was. Then she slowly pulled out the stuffed bunny that Luke handed her to give to Johnny and gave it a loving squeeze then she slowly placed it under Johnny's arm so he could be surprised with it when he woke up the next morning.

Morning did come very soon, for Wes was always up first wanting his four cups of sugar-overloaded coffee to give him a kickstart for the day, so Kc had to make sure she was up before him to have it ready for him. For after Wes finished his coffees he left the shack and didn't come back until lunchtime, then he was gone again until bedtime, Kc knew he was just trying to keep away from Johnny, but to her that was a good thing, for she was really hoping that one day he just wouldn't ever come home. Then it was Luke's turn, but he preferred making his own coffee and breakfast, but lately, Kc would catch Johnny sitting in Luke's lap sharing his bacon and Luke would let him have the last two sips of his coffee before he headed out for the day. Johnny really loved his new bunny he carried it with him everywhere. Kc was beginning to feel badly though about having someone elses child in her life, knowing that his real family was out there somewhere really missing him and wanting him back, even though she knew his mom was dead, the rest of his family wasn't...and she knew Johnny missed them and wanted to be with them more than anything...especially by the way he talked about his daddy.

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