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Kc bent down and asked me if I was alright after my falling out, I slowly sat up from the mental shock seeing her past did to me, and slowly told her I was ok. I got back to my feet and asked her if she knew where she came from, because from what I saw she deserved so much more than what she was living in and the way she was living by just barely surviving. Kc looked at me like I didn't know what I was talking about because Luke was her real brother. Luke wrapped his arms around her and said he always would be her big brother, but biologically he wasn't related to her, and that she needed to listen to what I was telling her, because it was true.

Kc sat down in the desert sand and listened to what I was telling her about her family being very rich and that her two siblings were just as beautiful as she was, her two sisters were Jackie and Shaunyl Benson and that somehow she got taken away from her family and managed to survive on the streets long enough for Luke to find her and take care of her. Kc said thru a few tears that she had parents and two sisters, she jumped out of the sand and began asking everything she could about them and wanting to meet them, I was humored with her excitement, but I stopped her and said Shaunyl was my fiance, and that Wes Blade took her life. Kc ran away from me and Luke and went over to where Klayton and Johnny were close by and watched as she realized that the little boy she's been loving and taking care of so strongly was her older sister's baby.

Tears began to form as she watched him and Klayton play together in the sand. I kept looking over at her and told myself that she was a younger spitting image of Shaunyl, with the same characteristics and same love in her heart for everything. I found myself drawing close to her like the opposites of magnets, and Johnny really loved her and called her mommy. Then the thought of being with her might just fill the empty hole that was currently in my heart from the loss of Shaunyl. Luke snapped me out of it and asked me what I was going to do now that I had my son back and all the shit he stold from my house. I shrugged my shoulders at him because I honestly didn't know at that point what I was going to do.

Luke then asked if I was going to turn him into the cops for breaking and entering, kidnapping, and stealing private property. I looked at him and said I should do just that, but what good would it do, the one that killed and took my life from me was already dead, and as for him stealing and kidnapping, I got my son back, and the shit he stold, so I guess to make the breaking and entering even I would just kick his ass and call it fair. Luke looked over at me and held out his hand for me to shake. I knew it would be what Johnny would want because he loved his new family too, so I gave in and shook his hand, and told him he needed to get a new hobby because robbing wasn't good for the family or for his physical health.

Luke chuckled at me and said that was a given fact, then he changed the subject and asked if me and my friend would be staying for dinner. I knew he was just trying to keep us there as long as possible, but I told him no that we were going to be going back home, because my mother was worried sick about her grandson and really needed to see that he was ok, and so did his other two uncle's that were filled with worry as well. Then I slowly walked over to where Klayton's bike was at and asked him if he was ready to head out because it was getting late, and the sun would be gone very soon. 

Klayton got on his bike and started her up, Kc reached out for Johnny and was kissing him and telling him goodbye and that she would really miss him as tears slowly streamed down her face. Then she gave me and Klayton a weak smile and ran back to where Luke was standing and hugged him trying to be emotionally strong in front of us but she just couldn't pull it off very long, Luke held onto her tightly and said it would be alright and that they would manage just like they always have. I slid off the back of the bike and hollered over to where they were still standing and asked them how long it would take them to gather all their shit and load it into their truck because I was taking them home with me too.

Kc and Luke looked at each other not really knowing what to say or do at that point, so I ran down the hill and told them to get their shit packed as I hopped in their truck and started it, Butch knew right off what was going on and he loaded up in the back very quickly. Kc looked around and realized that she didn't really need anything from the shack except her extra set of clothes. Luke came out with his hunting knife, and Johnny's aquarium of lizards and horny toads and said the rest of the shit needed to stay there, because it really wasn't worth a damn. I looked at what Kc had and told her to drop it and that she wouldn't be wearing that kind of shit at their new home. Then he told Luke the same thing because his clothes weren't much better and they were about the same size.

I jumped in behind the wheel as they hopped in next and I honked the truck horn letting Klayton know that I was ready to head out, Johnny was strapped in front of Klayton on his motorcycle as he gave him a ride and a half before they made it back to Serenity where Johnny was born. When I pulled up I showed them to their rooms and let the dog in the back fenced in yard, then I took Johnny up to his room with Klayton carrying his reptile aquarium and setting it on the table in the corner. I tucked my little man in as I kissed him on the forehead and told him that my life was now complete again now that I got my boy back. Just before I walked out of the room and into my own room, I heard Johnny say what about his new mommy. I thought on what he said and said yeah what about that new mommy. Then I quietly walked toward the room I let her stay in and peeked thru the door and silently watched as she was looking around at the room in amazement.

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