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Even though I was back in my home as a new and powerful being, my heart was still hurting so badly to go test my new supernatural abilities, I went back to my bedroom where my love was slain, and magically had the ability to actually see my past in vivid color of all the things Shaunyl and I used to do together, I missed her so much. I laid down on the bed and tried to get some sleep, even though physically I felt like I could demolish anything, but emotionally I was so drained I was moving around like a slug. As I lay there thinking of the life I had, the life I could've had, and the new life I am stuck with, then it dawned on me, I could use my abilities to find out who it was that took my son, because I was still his daddy, and I needed him now more than ever.

I walked into Johnny's room and just thought about Johnny and what happened in the room, and my eyes rolled over white and I was shown everything, I saw my lil man laying on the bed playing with Hammie half awake and half asleep, when he heard the walking down the hallway, he called out to his mommy thinking that it was her, that's when the man burst into the room and grabbed him, as he kicked, screamed and cried out for his mom and me, the emotions quickly hit me and I tried to attack the man but remembered it was just a past vision I was seeing and I went thru the man like a ghost. I did, however, get to see a good look at the man's characteristics and that he had a very distinguished tattoo trailing down the left side of his neck, and he was taller and larger than I was.

After I snapped out of the vision, I was slightly dizzy so I sat down on Johnny's bed and laid back for a while as I put his stuffed bunny under my arm. I drifted off into a restless sleep but only for a few minutes, because my mind didn't want to shut off long enough to give me a moment's peace, so I got up and decided it was time to hunt down those bastards that took my son and get him back and make them pay. But before I left the house, I stopped in front of the mirror and took a look at myself and found that if I wanted any changes with my appearance all I had to do was think about what I wanted to wear, or what I wanted to look like, and seconds later what I chose was what I looked like. There was a difference though, my eyes were no longer the dark brown, they were now a bright yellow that glowed and I had wings and something else hanging down so I kept turning around until I grabbed the thing that was behind me...what the fuck! I had a long ass whip-like tail with a spear shape on the end. 

How in the hell was I supposed to hide this shit from everyday people! I know for a fact that they all would notice my wings and a long ass tail growing out of my ass! But I had to laugh at myself a little bit, just for all the crazy shits that happened to me. Then when I saw myself smiling in the mirror, I had fangs as well. This was not going to work looking like this at all, I closed my eyes tight and thought of the human appearance I had before I was killed, then I opened my eyes and took a good look, even though my wings, tail, and fangs were still there, they were hidden thru the magic illusion I created for myself. I grabbed my hat from the hat stand before I walked out the door and headed out in search of those murdering/thieving bastards.

It was amazing, with the new and very different visions I had, I could actually trace down the killers that took my son by following their trail and if that didn't work, I could very easily follow their scent, because I picked up their raunchy ass odors all thru my house, and could never mistake it for anyone else's. So during my walk/hunting party, I decided to test some of the supernatural powers the creature told me I would have on some passerbys. I looked at one of the ladies walking past me and I just pointed at her skirt and it flew all the way up showing her pink laced panties to everyone that was walking. 

Then I looked at a man that was sitting reading the morning paper and I told him subconsciously to sneeze, and right after I said it, he did it. That creature was right, I had no limits of power, I could make anyone do anything, I hated the fact that I had to lose everything to get this gift, but now that I have, I was definitely liking the new magic. But as I was looking at the paper the man was reading I noticed that it said Criss Angel was killed, I stopped and said that was going to be some bad publicity when everyone sees me walking around alive and well. But instead of panicking, I simply closed my eyes and thought very hard on all the news and said over and over again, that Criss Angel's demise was a hoax, and that it was only his fiance that was killed, and his son was taken, not dead.

When I opened my eyes and looked at the paper again what I thought was what was on the paper's head page. I thought doing that would get my name and image off the news and I wouldn't be claimed as a real Satanist, or worse they accuse me of killing Shaunyl and hiding my son out so I could later sacrifice him in some barbaric ritual which was a bunch of bullshit! And I wasn't going to stop until I found them all and made them suffer. But for now, it would have to wait, because I heard a very familiar voice hollering for me to wait the fuck up! I turned around and saw a tall muscular figure running toward me with a red and black mohawk flashing at me in the sunlight, I shook my head and said of all people why did it have to be fucking Klay that found me first.

*MYSTIFIED* {A CRISS ANGEL FANFIC.}Where stories live. Discover now