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kunpimook would be leaving for thailand soon and yugyeom had no idea how to process this. the two boys hadnt gone a day without seeing each other since they started dating. it killed him to think he wouldnt see his boyfriend for weeks. yugyeom told himself he wouldnt cry when he went to go drop the older off at the airport. but, yugyeom was bad at holding back things that ultimately would come out eventually.

as yugyeom watched kunpimook who sat next to him, he could nearly feel his tears spilling over. yugyeom wondered how the other looked so calm and content. yugyeom really hoped he wouldnt cry and that kunpimook would be gone before his tears could slip out. kunpimook looked over at the younger who slipped his hand into his.

"you okay?" kunpimook whispered, placing his lips against the taller male's temple. yugyeom just nodded as a response, but kunpimook knew better. "you're not okay, and i know why," kunpimook began, sliding closer to his lover, "i'll miss you too, baby, but i'll be back sooner than you think. dont worry too much, we can call everyday and i'll get you souvenirs. you'd like that, right?"

yugyeom nodded quickly, a blush crossing his face. usually, this conversation would be the other way around and it'd be yugyeom trying to comfort kunpimook. but, it seemed everything was completely flipped today. yugyeom threw his legs over his boyfriend's, slipping them in between his right and left.

"you know i love you so so so so so much?"


"and you know that i will miss you more than anything and i'll want to talk to you every second that im not with you," yugyeom mumbled, placing his free hand on kunpimook's thigh.

"same to you."

"what if something happens to you?" yugyeom always worried about things like this, he was constantly scared that something would go wrong. his bigger fear was losing kunpimook and he didn't ever want to have the possibility of him being gone.

"i'll be okay-

-flight from ontario to thailand is boarding now at gate 777."

"thats me." kunpimooks stood up, sliding his bag higher up on his shoulder. yugyeom pulled the latter in for a hug, finally letting his tears fall. "please dont cry. you know if you cry, i'll start crying." bam's eyes welled up with sadness, looking up at yugyeom.

"i know, b-but i cant help it," he shakily said, "i'll miss you so much. i just love you so much."

"i love you more than you could ever imagine."

yugyeom leaned down, pressing his lips against the shorter. the kiss didn't last long enough in both of the boys' opinions, but kunpimook had a flight to catch. bam sighed and smiled weakly. "i gotta go."

"i know."

"i'll see you soon, baby. i love you."

"i love you too."

yugyeom watched as his boyfriend walked away. he could see the droop in his shoulders and the way his hands shook, it was obvious he was crying. the younger couldnt take it and felt his tears start to stream quickly down his face, his whole body wracking with sobs. it hurt, so much, knowing that the one person he loved would be gone for so long. he liked to think it'd only be a few weeks when in reality it'd be around three months.

he could feel his heart twinging with hurt and so much fucking sadness. it was unbelievable how sad he truly was. to be completely honest, he had no idea as to why he was this fucking sad. he'd be coming back and yugyeom would be able to hold him and be with him for as long as he wanted. so why did it hurt him so much to think he'd be gone for a little while?

maybe it was the thought that kunpimook could find someone so much better than him. or that he could get into some crazy accident that would ultimately result in death. or his mom would want to stay in thailand ( who, by the way, had left earlier than kunpimook due to him needing to take his finals. ) because of how much she loved it there. all of bam's family was there, so why wouldnt they want to stay? the only thing keeping them here is kunpimook's college and yugyeom.

so maybe that's why it hurt so much. knowing that kunpimook could not come back or could leave him in a different way. this is what hurt him so much. that's why yugyeom was sobbing in some small airport on the outskirts of ontario, where random people were staring at him.


a/n there will be one more bonus chapter before the book will come to a close. i dont think ill make a sequel anytime soon due to personal reasons.

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