Part 15, back on the road

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>I'm Going 3 days ahead to when izzy is going back on tour.<

>_Calum's POV_<

I woke up with Izzy in my arms and her sleeping, she looked so beautiful. I know we've only been together for 3 days, but I seriously didn't know how I was going to live without her.

"Meow." Izzy said as she was waking up.

"Meow." I said back poking her. "What do you wanna do today?"

"Ummm....I'll feel bad though."

"Dude I'll be spending time with you." I said kissing her head.

"Ok, well I need to drag you to the mall. I need to get a few things for tour... I'll miss you."

"I'll miss you too, but like Austin's been saying. You've been looking forward to this tour and you're gonna have loads of fun."

"Yeah I guess. Come on. Get ready cally pal." She said getting out of bed.

"You know I hate that name." I said heading for the shower.

"You love it really!" She shouted back.

>_Luke's POV_<

"You no Calum is going to be staying with us from tonight?" I said to beth, who was leaning on my on the sofa watching TV.

"Um hum."

"Do that mean we have to be less couple like and um...couple like, because he's your brother?"

"Fxck yeah I didn't think about that..." She said looking at me. "Um argh I don't know. Let's just see what happens yeah?"

"Yeah." I said kissing her, and well...yeah...that happened again...

>_Ashton's POV_<

"I feel sorry for Calum." Hollie said to me over the table.

"Yeah me too..." I didn't know why...

"I mean him and Izzy have only just got together and now she's going back on tour and he'll be all alone." Ok that's what we're talking about.

"He's going to stay with beth isn't he?"

"Yeah and Luke. Beth and Luke will be all ahww and cute and Calum is just gonna be there like," then she made an awkward face.

"Poor lad."

Hollie had gone to go do some work now. I know it was her job and all but she was working none stop. Like I'd only really get to see her at dinner and mornings, I'm like 'hello Ashton needing attention here."

@Ashton5SOS- @Hollie5SOS can we do a bit of the face on face action?xo

@Hollie5SOS- @Ashton5SOS come on then :* xo

With that I ran up to her office where she was editing and we did some of the face on face action. It was good :)

>_Mikey's POV_<

"LINDSAE IT'S GONE EVERYWHERE!" I shouted when I spilled my coffee. She came running in,

"WHERE! MIKEY!" I pointed to the tiny spot of coffee on the side then started laughing. She poked me in the stomach then hugged me "don't do that. It was mean."

"Ahww I'm sorry." I said kissing her.

"EWWWWWWW." Jack and Alex (gaskarth) said as they walked in. Lindsae and I said nothing but blushed like hell.

Later in the day we went to a fair not far from the house. It was SO. MUCH. FUN!

Went went on every ride there and I won a massive teddy for Lindsae, in was given the name Prince Fluffy the 2nd.

Before we knew it, it was time for Izzy's little leaving party. It was just Me, Lindsae, Hollie, Ashton, Luke, Beth and Calum going to wish her good luck and that we'd miss her. We drove to her house and saw a massive tour bus outside with the OMandM album cover on it.

Inside were all the OMandM guys, izzy, Calum, Beth and Luke. I have to say the OMandM guys were going crazy. And the 5sos gang are there like 'none of us can drink in the US yet...'

Hollie and Ash turned up about 3 minutes after us.

>_Izzy's POV_<

My little leaving party was really good. But I couldn't help but think Calum was a bit off with me. I pulled him outside to find out.

"What's up?" I said to him with a worried look.

"Nothing..." He mumbled looking at the floor.

"Well there clearly is..."

"Izzy, are we going to last?" He said finally looking at me.


"Answer the question Izz, you're going on tour for 3months with your best friends and you aren't going to see me. So are we?"

"I...I...are you breaking up with me?..."

"I don't want to..." He said looking back to the floor.

"But are you..." I said trying to hold back the tears. He could tell I was about to cry and went to hug me but I wouldn't let him. "No. Don't do that."


"So have you? Are we done just like that because I'm going to work?" I had a bit of anger in my voice now, but mainly sadness.

"Yeah." He said storming back into the house. Almost seconds later Austin came out.

"What the fuck did he do?" Austin said, no no Austin please don't get angry.

"Austin don't..."

"You break up?" He said sounding calmer.

"Yeah...I'll be fine. It was only 3 days. It was just I kinda thought there was something there..."

"Oh izzy..." He said hugging me.

"Take me on tour..."

"Let's go." And we did.

I said all my goodbyes and everyone left the house so I could lock up. Calum had already gone...

I claimed onto the bus and went straight to my bunk, and cried.

@IzzyWorsnop- 'our glass hearts breaking' @OMandM, you guys always make me feel better, can't wait for this tour #americandreamtour

Well this tour would me tough...

>I'm sorry I'm a horrible human, it had to be done :(<

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