Our Precious Kansas Summer

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“That was one of the best days of my entire life, Colin. Thank you for everything.”

I grin. “Not a problem. I enjoyed it. Especially that quesadilla! They know how to make them here! Was your dinner any good?”

“Yes, it was.” Her sentence is interrupted with a giant belch. She immediately covers her mouth and turns pale. I stare at Jenna for a second and then burst out in laughter. Jenna now turns crimson, and pulls her jacket tighter around her.

“Aww, I’m sorry, Jen.” I put my arm around her and hold her against my side. “Is there anything I can do for you to accept my apology?”

Jenna stares up at me with deep brown eyes. “Yes. There is.”

“Well, what is it?”

Jenna points to a claw machine. “I want a teddy bear. I’ll make it easy on you. I want that one on the top.”

“I’m no good at games of skill…”

Jenna steps in front of me and glares playfully into my eyes. “Get me a bear. Please?”

I sigh. “Yes, I will. Hold the shopping bag.” Striding over to the machine, I crack my knuckles. I look back at Jenna. She is standing with her hands on her hips, daring me to make it on the first try. I push a quarter into the slot, and I feel the claw move as I manipulate the joystick. It would just be like landing the Cherokee on the bars at Goodland. I hit the red button, and the claw drops, and closes around the leg of the stuffed animal. The mechanism strains under the weight, but manages to get close to the rim of the chute before the leg slides away. The bear perches on the rim, and begins to lean to the outside. Quick as a flash, I dart my hand up into the machine and snatch the stuffed animal before it falls back into the pit.

Immediately, Jenna rushes over to me, and switches the shopping bag for the bear in my hand before I can congratulate myself. “Darcy thanks you, Colin.”

“Darcy? Not this Pride and Prejudice thing again!”

“Pride? You mean your ego when you laughed at me? Prejudice? Because you are jealous of my bear?”

I am speechless. “But, I…”

“Come on Colin King, escort me home.” She offers me her right hand. Her left hand is wrapped around the torso of Darcy the teddy bear.

“Well, you had better get some sleep, Jen. It’s gonna be a long flight home.”

“I’m not tired,” Jenna insists with a yawn.

“Sure you are. After you.” Jenna climbs into the copilot’s seat, and I clamber into the pilot’s chair, closing the door.

“Where can I put Darcy?” Jenna asks.

I scan the back of the plane. “You can tuck him into the cargo net right here where the shopping bag is. I pull the fabric just enough to snugly hold the stuffed bear. “And just try to stay awake. My dad says every single girl he’s flown has fallen asleep midflight.”

“Oh, I will be the first to not sleep,” Jenna assures me with another yawn.

I roll my eyes. “It's too dark to read, Jen. You'll be out before we reach cruising altitude. I set the mixture and start the engine.

By fifteen thousand feet, Jenna is out: eyes closed, mouth open, and snoring like a pig. Of course I wasn’t going to laugh at her, no that would have disastrous consequences. Smiling, I turn the yoke to the left. The Cherokee banks slowly, and Jenna’s head slides gingerly down the side of the head rest until she is laying her head on my shoulder. I return the plane to its original course, Jenna’s head still resting on my shoulder. She mumbles something and sighs, and falls deeper into slumber. I let a smile play across my lips. This is true happiness.

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