Episode Fifteen (Clip Three)

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(Back at the rest area.....)

The team waited in silence for both racers to show up. None of them spoke a word. They hated the feeling cause unlike mountain passes, there isn't any staff to inform them about the events happening during a highway race. They had no idea who was winning, losing or even had crashed, but all they could do was wait and hope that both races would come back to the meet up spot safely.

Zendrick quietly sipped his can of coffee as he leaned forward on the guardrail. Watching the overpassing traffic of late night drivers.

"May I join in?" A voice asked. The silver hair turned back around and saw Louis, the black haired hoodie.

"Knock yourself out." Zendrick said as the hoodie leaned on the guardrail with him.

"Must be tough right?" The silver hair began with a question, not wanting an awkward silence between the two. "Going around the world, racing strange people and collecting weird glowing rocks. All of this just to find another three rare Elementals. Is it even worth it?"

"That question." Louis chucked lightly. "I've already almost completely forgotten about. It all has been racing, winning and getting the tablet before going into another race again. That all I've been doing so far." He said looking at the night highway scenery with Zendrick.

"That raw motivation you've got is impressive." The sliver hair noted. "It's been five months since you and you're teem had been trying your best to solve this puzzle that you're not even sure if the answer exist in the first place."

"You may be right," The hoodie paused and took a sip of his iced lemon tea from a can. "But to be honest, I'm actually glad I gotten myself in this adventure."

"And I don't regret it." Louis answered humbly.

"Huh?" The silver hair looked at hoodie, a confused expression seen on his face.

"We've may have gone through many problems and challenges along this expedition but we all got together as a team and faced it."

Zendrick listened to the hoodie carefully. Surprised at his leadership and loyalty to his friends.

"I've even gotten to know more about my friends and got bonded closer together as a team." Louis said as he stood up from the guardrail, strong with determination as ever before.

"Our hardship and teamwork we've been through the months is the very reason that got us many of our wins." Louis proudly stated. "And we're not gonna stop till we find those three elements!"

Zendrick glanced at the hoodie and thought. "Looks like what they say about him was true. A 19-year-old filled with so much determination and leadership that'll make Winston Chruchill jealous. The leader of the Elemental Drifters."

He eyed at the hoodie, standing broad beside him. "Louis Flash, you truly are amazing leader."

"Well," The silver hair and took a last sip of coffee from his can. He got up and stretched his sore arms before crushing the can and throwing into a dustbin. He rummaged his pockets and found the keys to his black R32. "I should get going."

"Wait." The word stopped Zendrick from leaving.

"Now I have a question for you too." Louis said after throwing his can drink into the same dustbin. "Though you didn't really answer my question yesterday, I think there's a good chance you might answer it now. After all I had answered yours."

"Who are you to get involve with me and my team in the first place?"

Zendrick smiled. "Let's just say I've been told to monitor you for some time now."

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