Episode Twenty Three (Clip One)

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(Mount Kobushi, Saitama, Japan)

The mountain range looked majestic over the view. The trees and vegetation were randomly spread on the mountains.

The scenery looked peaceful, but sounds of tyre squealing gave it up.  From a distance above you can see the two cars drifting through corners and exiting them at high speeds.

Katie struggled a bit to keep up with her white Lan-Evo opponent in front of her that seemed to be pulling away.

"Dang, he's fast!"

Kazuo glanced at his side view mirrors a chuckled helplessly.

"Just a few more corners and that RX-7 will be mine!" He said as he rationally did a power over through a corner

Instead of feeling tense when the Evo 6 was pulling away, Katie was feeling calmer than usual.

"It going according to plan."
Episode Twenty Three ~ More Than a Rival

"One more....." Kazuo trailed as he pedaled hard towards a hairpin.

"ONE MORE HAIRPIN TO MY VICTORY!!" He yelled excitedly and turned towards the U-bend hairpin confidently.



"What?!" Kazuo eyes widen as he felt his Evo understeering heavily. "WHY AM I UNDERSTEERING?!"

Katie looked at the Evo sliding uncontrollably from her windshield.


(Next clip)

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