Episode Twenty Nine (Clip One)

69 5 4

(Hakone pass, Saitama prefecture, Japan)

The night was as silent as Christmas. The Cherry blossom trees were starting to bloom of the early months of spring.

Sounds of a tuned V8 was then heard around the forest. A fiery paint job Nissan Skyline V35 350GT was seen driving into a corner at full speed.

Joel giving the mountain pass a try with JL riding shotgun. The brown hair downshifted swiftly before pulling the handbrake into a drift.

"So how's it?" JL asked. "The dangerous menacing corners coming at you constantly."

"It's a lot slower than the highway races I suppose." Joel stated. "But I like it."

"Really?" JL's eyes brightened up.

"Ha ha, but it's still not as good as highway sprints." The brown hair claimed.

"I can respect that."

A sudden flickering in Joel's rear view grabbed both friends attention. JL looked back and saw a black car. Sinister and coming in fast.

(Play the video in top)
----('Back in the rocks' starts playing)----

JL: "Why is there Beethoven music playing??"

Joel: "That's not Beethoven it's Bach!!"

A turbo hissing was heard behind, it sounding familiar, JL recognizing it instantly.

"An RB??" He know what he heard. "Must be a Skyline GT-R."

"It's a 32!" JL exclaimed able to see the car crystal clear now.

"I'm not gonna be left in the dust by some GT-R Skyline." Joel demanded, still pumped up from his last victory on the highway. "I'M GONNA FLOOR IT!!"

The 350GT pulled away accelerating. The driver behind smiled as he was challenged into a race. He then pushed the gas and followed.

Joel braked upon the hairpin, he counter steered and pushed the brakes and gas to keep the drift ongoing. Behind the GT-R went into a drift perfectly as if it's weight was not a problem. JL was stunned at this.

"The hell, he must have a serious weight reduction to drift in a Skyline like that!" The blue hair assumed in his thoughts. "No newbie could drift like that, he must be a veteran."

The next left consecutive hairpins came in. Both cars braked heavily and went into it power drifting like their lives depended on it. The V35 was slowing as Joel started to oversteer more often into the curves.

But the Skyline was elegent in it's drifts which was unusual for the four wheel drive. JL noticed this, the GT-R seemed almost if it wasn't a GT-R after all. It looked more like an RB26 swapped S15 Silvia.

But it sure has power on the straights, immediately passing Joel's V35 and drifting into the next corner. Tyre squealing and smoke emitting from it's rear wheels.

"What the hell?! How can he drift like that???" The brown hair frustratedly asked but JL knew the answer.

"Cause that ain't no GT-R Skyline."

"Huh?" Joel was confused.

"They may have the same chassis and engine but they're as different as chalk and cheese." The blue hair explained. "That car right there is a R32 Skyline sure but it's not a GT-R."

"It's a GTS-T, a Skyline build for drifting."

The black GTS-T then emitted a dark purple aura before it blurred into the corner and disappearing leaving JL and Joel shocked.

"Perfect...." A recognizable voice was heard in the R32. Clint Rider smiled as if he'd done something incredible. "I've beaten your teammates,"

"And now it's up to you."

"Louis Flash."

The GTS-T then let off a glowing aura of a purple stalion. Running swiftly as the R32 accelerated on the straights.

(Song skip optional)
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