She has a black dress on the back of her closet
Sometimes she wears it in front of the mirror on it
Only she knows why she continues to degrade the body inside it
She'll never wear it out-
Out of the house she's wearing everything she can to cover up the insatious curves of her body
Even if she gets hot she won't take the sweater off
Scared of the men and women around her although she won't say it
She thinks "if I hide it inside then no one can see what's underneath...
Not even me, not even me"
Ruining herself
In ruin of herself
She wants people to believe her body is as ugly as she thinks
Dressed up out there the scars are unseen
The bright white lines across her wrists, arms, and thighs
She whispers one silent word as she caresses each line
"Disappear disappear disappear disappear disappear" as repetitive as a heartbeat
But at the same time she wants someone to notice and see some beauty beneath all this beast
Beauty is not- is not- is not- is not skin deep