I feel so cold
Like the ground standing above you
I can only feel warm when I wrap myself in your memories
I miss you
The days where I didn't have to fight to feel that warmth
God those were the days I tell you
Now all I see is night
Remember how we used to stare at the stars like we were going somewhere?
Yeah you went somewhere and left me here in hell wishing I could go to heaven
I bet it's warm up there wrapped in those feather wings
Don't fall angel don't fall
I tried to hold you up, but somehow I couldn't keep you from feeling down
Now all my poems are heavy with the reminisce of you
Sad sad girl couldn't keep herself from feeling everything
Now it's passed onto me
Sad sad girl yeah that's me
Pretty fucking depressing I know
I'm trying for you, but you decided to stop for me
Instead of trying to try you were dying to die
I'm so mad at you, but it's hindered by this every day thought that somehow I'll get you back
I know I won't and I'm sorry I couldn't stop you from drowning in all that sadness
Downing all those pills
Now I can't think of April showers bringing May flowers
Because the rain reminds me of how you looked with tears in your eyes on your 16th birthday
The day I found out what pain is
When the doctors said, "Time of death...April 25, 2016 at 7:00 PM"
Rest In Peace Isabella