He Knows

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I woke up that morning feeling a little cold. When I ran home last night it started raining. I ran inside and got a hot shower and went straight to bed. I stood up out of bed and looked in the mirror. My skin was pale and I had bags under my eyes. Out of nowhere, I started sneezing. I laid back in bed and called Travis.

   " Hey Y/n what's up?"

   " Hey, Travis. I think I'm sick."

   " Oh, I'll be right over then."

   " Thank you."

I hung up and waited for Travis to come over. I heard my door open and he walked in.

   " Up here! " I tried to yell.

I heard his footsteps come up the stairs. When he reached the top I saw worry on his face. He ran over to me. He put his hand on my forehead and checked the temperature. 

   " Geez. Y/n you're burning up. What could have made you sick?"

   " Last night when I was coming home. It started raining. I ran home."

   " Oh. Ya Katlyn is sick because of that too. We had to run from the concert last night.

   " Twinzees."

   " Hahaha. Well, I'll take care of you today since you can't okay?"

   " Okay. Thanks, Travis."

   " Not a problem. have you eaten yet?"

   " Nope. "

   " Well, I'll get you some soup. I'll be right back."

I nodded and he disappeared from my sight. I grabbed my phone and dialed Guy's number.

   " Hello!?"

   " Hey Guy? This is Y/n."

   " It is you! Let me be the first to congratulate you on your concert last night."

   " Thank you."

   " Not a problem sweety."

   " I called today because I'm afraid I won't be performing tonight. I got sick from coming home in the rain."

   " Oh, I see. Well, we set up a schedule so You'll be happy to hear that you won't have to perform today or for the rest of the week. The next time you will have to perform is Wednesday of next week."

   " Oh really! That's awesome. Thank you, Guy."

   " Not a problem Sweetheart. I'll see you next week!"

Then he hung up. I set my phone on the nightstand and I laid back down. Travis came upstairs with some chicken noodle soup. I sat up and set a pillow behind my back. He handed me the soup and sat in front of me on the bed.

   " Thank you. "

   " Not a problem."

His phone beeped had he took it out of his pocket and looked at it.

   " That's funny. Musically's concert is canceled. It says that she's sick and they have set up a schedule that says she'll perform Wednesday of next week."

I felt my face get paler. He looked at me and smirked.

   " It's funny. Your sick, Katlyn's sick, and now She's sick. The rain was bad that night, but not that bad where it gets so many people sick."

My phone started ringing and I looked to see that it was my manager Megan calling. I looked at Travis and picked up the phone.

   " Hello?"

   " Hey Y/n has Guy told you about the schedule?"

Travis had wide eyes as he stared at me.

   " Yes, he has."

   " Okay good! Just making sure. I'll see you later."

   " Okay. Bye."

I hung up and set my phone in front of me as I started gulping down my soup.

   " W-Wait are you...are you Musically?"

I finished my soup and set it on the nightstand beside me.

   " Promise not to tell?"

   " I promise."

I took my hands and ran them through my hair changing the color.

"I took my hands and ran them through my hair changing the color

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   " I am Musically."

He just stared at me. his eyes wide with amazement.

   " How!?"

   " Well I was working in a maid cafe and while I was cleaning up an agent talked to me about a singing offer, and  I took it."

   " How are you able to change your hair?"

   " Well, my manager is educated in magic and she taught me how to change my hair. Then I took up a stage name, now here I am. They made an offer to perform here for the rest of summer, so I agreed thinking it as a vacation."

   " Now here you are."

   " Here I am."

He just stared at me, and then he smiled.

   " I'm glad you trust me enough to tell me your secret."

   " Well, you did bring everyone back into my life. I trust you with my life Travis."

His smile widened.

   " Thanks. Well, let's get you better!"

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