Chapter 3

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As I'm laying down fire on the Federation troops with the MG, Keegan grabs my arm, pulling me away from the gun.

"Hey!" I shout. Keegan starts to pull me up out of the trench.

"Come on! I just got word from Merrick! He got a positive location on Hesh!"

My eyes widen and I jump up, then run towards the tower. Throwing open the door, Keegan and I run upstairs, where Merrick awaits us.

"Okay, I located Hesh. He's in San Diego, near the dig site Keegan went back to. There's a large enemy camp there, and that's where they're holding him. If we get going, we can reach there before-"

Suddenly, a barrage of gunfire comes from downstairs, and Keegan, Merrick and I all look at each other, then ready our guns, Merrick grabbing his from the side of the Command console.

Ready at the top of the stairs, I look down, then a shot fires up, from a Federation soldier's gun. I slam the door shut as another shot splinters the wood, and I turn back to Merrick. He looks on the camera visuals downstairs and frowns.

"Shit." He mutters, and I raise my eyebrow.


"There's about twenty guys downstairs, all carrying heavy weaponry. We're blocked off."

Keegan shakes his head.

"We can easily take these guys. There's an arsenal up here with the weapons room. They wouldn't be able to even reach us."

I walk over to Merrick and Keegan and set my gun down on the console. Looking at the screen, I can see the soldiers starting their way up the stairs.

"We have to move fast. They're gonna be in here before we know it." Keegan says, and Merrick nods.

"Okay, then we-"

The glass of the window suddenly shatters, and we all shield ourselves from it. I raise my head, and see nothing, then someone swings into the window on a belay cable and jumps onto the floor.

Their dark grey jacket and black pants blend into the shadows, their face hidden behind a mask. They look up and pull out a handgun.

"MOVE!" Keegan yells, and we all duck down below the console. A shot rings out, and the room goes dark.

"Shit! He hit the main power coupler!" Merrick says, then I feel a hand grab my shoulder and pull me up.

"Augh!" I shout in surprise, the darkness of the room throwing me off guard.

"KICK!" Keegan yells, and I feel his hand grab mine. Merrick fumbles for something, then the red emergency lights come on.

As I spin to see the attacker, his fist connects with my face. I fall to the ground and groan.

"Dammit!" I mutter, and Keegan jumps up over the console. Taking his gun out, he aims it at the man, who holds his gun trained back at Keegan.

"Drop it!" Keegan shouts, but no reaction is found from the attacker. Merrick pulls his gun, too, and joins in the stand-off. I get up on my knees, and grab the man's leg, pulling him down.

He falls down on top of me, and I roll over on top of him. He punches me again, but I still hold him down. Struggling underneath me, he groans. Merrick and Keegan walk over and stand over us.

Merrick lowers his gun, but Keegan keeps his trained on the man's head.

I can tell he's a younger man, and I narrow my eyes as he pushes me off, then pulls me into a choke hold, pressing the gun against my head.

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