Hated Enough || Eunwoo

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Y/N: Your Name

Y/N is a nice girl but she can be mean but in a good and fun way. Y/N had a lot of friends but she also she got involved in dramas of her friends even she had her own drama

||Lunch Time||
Eunji: Yah. Yah. Y/N
Your best friend Eunji shaking you from behind

Y/N: What?!

Eunji: Look who it is *Pointing at a boy* It's Eunwoo

Y/N: Yea I know I saw him *Looking back at the line you were in*

YooKyung: You always know where he is are you like a stalker or something?

Y/N: No. it's because when ever we walk around we always pass by him, I don't know how you guys don't see him while we walk? *Buying food*

YooKyung : Okay. Okay.

3 of them got their food and sat on one of the benches. But while they were still eating, Y/N didn't know that Eunwoo and his friends were going to sit across them and now Y/N and Eunwoo are face to face, but Y/N pretended to not notice Eunwoo she just glanced at him until Y/N and her friends left.


It's was Science class time, Eunwoo and Y/N had the same science class with YooKyung but Eunji's science class is next door.
Y/N and YooKyung sat at their table (the teacher arrange their tables into groups) with Eunwoo and his friend JinJin.
Y/N and Eunwoo are good friends with JinJin and YooKyung. Since the day their teacher moved their seats in to table groups that was when Y/N and Eunwoo became friends
Y/N and Eunwoo would mostly play around and Y/N would punch Eunwoo hard but playfully and whenever Eunwoo throws something and hits Y/N, Y/N would chased him until she stops running or when she got Eunwoo. They are good friends.

You joined after school Soccer practices with YooKyung and Eunwoo. YooKyung's friends were telling you that you have been being mean to YooKyung and talking bad about her behind her back. But it wasn't true so you committed that it wasn't true

One of YooKyung's friends: Friends don't treat each other like that, is that why you have been being mean to YooKyung and talking behind her back.

Y/N: *starts to cry and feels the pain* Wh-what? That is not true I was never mean to YooKyung and I never talked bad about her.

Just in time and saved your life, your name was called that your dad was their to pick you up. You stood up and quickly wiped your tears away to make people not notice that you were crying and started to walk to your car. Good thing your dad didn't notice about your swollen eyes, then your dad drove to home.
As you got home you put your things down and took of your shoes then went straight to your room, you cried and cried until you suddenly fell asleep.

I saw Y/N sitting at the bench with her friends, that she just came back from her girls soccer game. I was about to walk to Y/N but I saw her tearing up and her friends were not helping her to stop crying.
I was going to run up to Y/N to ask her what's wrong but her coach called her name that she was leaving, I saw her walked fast to her car and looking from afar looks like she didn't want to know her dad that she was crying. I watched her leave until she disappeared from the distance

Eunwoo: Y/N.... *watched Y/N leave*

MJ: Yah! Eunwoo! What are you doing just standing there? Come on the others want to play ball come on.

Eunwoo: Oh. Hyung. Yea I will come. I'm coming
Eunwoo ran to MJ and the others

You were suddenly woken up by a text message
Eunwoo: Hey!
Y/N: Hello
Eunwoo: How was the game?
Y/N: It was okay but we won tho so that's great....
Eunwoo: Ohhhh that's great, you should be proud about it
Y/N: Yea....
Eunwoo: Is anything wrong? You don't sound like you're happy
Y/N: Oh? Um yea I am happy it's just that....
Eunwoo: Just what? Did anything happen?
Y/N: No actually nvm I don't even know why I said that
Eunwoo: Y/N if you need or if you can tell or if you need help you can come and talk to me and ask me if you need anything. I'm here to understand you and help you
Y/N: Thx but it's not a big deal anyways
Eunwoo: Y/N???!!
Y/N: Fine.... okay so when I came back from the game I sat at the bench with my "friends" to talk with them or what we usually do. They ask if we can go to the bathroom so we went.
Eunwoo: what happen?
Y/N: so I decided to prank one of them but splashing water to them for fun, but they acted the opposite of the the emotion that I was thinking of, then we went out and sat again to she just suddenly committing that I was being mean to YooKyung and talking bad about her behind her back
Eunwoo: What did you do? What did you say to her?
Y/N: since it wasn't true I told her that it wasn't true then I started tearing up.
Eunwoo: are you okay now did you stop crying. Because if they make my bestfriend cry again I would give them pay back
Y/N: Yah! Eunwoo! No don't do it I'm okay now
Eunwoo: Hehehe Yah. I'm just kidding I just wanted to make you laugh and smile again. And I don't like to see you getting hurt
Y/N: Ummmmmm, thx for caring
Eunwoo: Anytime!
Y/N: you know what? After what they did to me, when I got home I realize something
Eunwoo: What was it?
Y/N: I realized that I finally know how to defend myself with those hurtful words and try not to make a big deal about it, I can protect myself from danger now
Eunwoo: Y/N that is great that you realized that but you can't defend yourself from danger all the time especially when it's a big danger
Y/N: I know
Eunwoo: But can your bestfriend Eunwoo can still protect you from danger
Y/N: Yes he may
Eunwoo: Yay!
Y/N: Well it getting late I better go to sleep now we still have school tomorrow. Good Night
Eunwoo: Good Night!

You turned off your phone and went to sleep
Eunwoo: Good Night!
I turned off my phone then I said
Eunwoo: I love you...
I went to sleep
|| NO ONE ||



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