Camping (Part One) || JinJin

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"It's summer, It-it-its summer~!" You sang as you walked home with your friends from school "Calm down Sam~" your friend Aly said as she giggled "Yea Sam-ah~" your other friend Steph said as she giggled "Oh come on guys~" you said giving them with a whining face "You guys know that you want to say it with me~" you said as you poked their shoulders then they looked at each other "It's summer, It-it-its summer~!" You three sang at the same time and giggled afterwards

"Okay see you guys~ next week?" You said as you made your way to your front door house "Yea~!" Aly and Steph said at the same time as they walked to their houses. You opened your front door wide "IT'S SUMMER!" You shouted inside with your arms wide open and slamming the door close "YAH! Can you be quiet!? I'm trying to work here!" Your brother Moonbin said "Pfft." You said as you roll your eyes "WHAT DO YOU MEAN 'WORK' ALL YOU DO IS LAY AROUND WITH YOUR LAZY ASS!" You shouted back "Hey! Watch your language lady!" Your mom said through the kitchen "miane~" you said as you walked towards the couch where Moonbin was "By the way, why are you back early?" You asked your brother "Because I wanted too~" he said as he kept looking at his phone " 'because I wanted too~' " you mocked him as he throw you a pillow to your face as you just laughed "And what are you doing here anyway?" You turned to Moonbin's friend, JinJin "Woah what a good welcome introduction..." JinJin said as he gave you a blank look "..." there was a long silence after that "WELL!" You said as they were all startled "I'm going to my room" you said as you went upstairs to your room "aish!" Your brother said and JinJin chuckled

You were in your room and you throw yourself to your bed and layed down "ahh~ finally" you said as you stretched, you decided to change to more comfortable clothes, so you changed with and over size hoodie and shorts. After you changed you got a text message from you brother

Lazy ASS

Lazy ASS: Dad said to come downstairs

LOUD Mochi: Okay~

You went out of your room, then put your hoodie on your head and went downstairs to your dad, you found your dad in the kitchen with your mom so you sat on one of the chairs "what do you need dad?" You asked as he turned around facing you and sat in front of you "in 2 weeks we will go camping" he said as he took a bite of his sandwich "REALLY!?" You said loudly shooked "Yea" he said as he took another bite of his sandwich "W-what- w-where!?" You asked loudly "Well somone is excited" your brother said from the living room you ignored him "it's in Nanji Hangang Park" he said as he took a sip of his water "and you can invite Aly and Steph too, Moonbin already invited JinJin and the rest of the boys" your dad said as he smiled at you, you looked at JinJin behind you and he gave you a smile and you gave him a grin or may I say 'he is going with us!?' look


Sam: You guys free

Aly-ah💖: I think I'm free

Steph-ah💖: I think I'm free
too why?

Sam: Just come to my
house tomorrow~

Aly-ah💖: Okay~😂

Steph-ah💖: Okay~~~

"Ugh" you groan from your tiredness "Yah! Wake up!" Moonbin opened your door widely causing it to hit the wall with a slam "I want to sleep in~" you said as you put your head under your pillow, Moonbin rolled his eyes, he then took both of your feet and carried you downstairs while you were still sleeping "Zzzz" Moonbin sigh, he then put you down on the couch yet you're still sleeping


"Mom~ Sam won't wake up~!" I said as I went to the table and sat down to eat breakfast "Hm? Just let her sleep for now, are the boys coming over?" She asked "Yea" I said as I took a spoon of my cereal "What time?" She asked as she cleaned the table "I think..." I said as I looked at the time at my phone "In 5 minutes or less..." I said as I drank my milk "Okay" mom said


MJ hyung: Yah were here

Moonbin: okay

I stood up and went to the door and opened it "Hey~-" MJ hyung said as they all came in, when they all came in they went straight the living room- which I forgot that I left Sam there.... o oh..... I ran to the living room but I was too late the already saw Sam still sleeping on the couch.... god she would be mad at me if she found out the boys saw her sleeping on the couch.... there reactions were.... shocked but didn't show it like they were surprise to see her "Heh. Heh. Um hyung" I said as I stood in front of them "w-we should go to my room heh" I said as I push them to the stairs leaving the living room


When we all walked in we walked to the living room then we saw Sam sleeping in the couch I just chuckled of how cute she is when she is sleeping, MJ hyung and the others notice that I chuckled so they nudge me to teased me, I just.... *sigh* these boys...., then Moonbin came in and started to push us to into his room "So heh, what do you guys want to do" Moonbin said as we all sat on his bed "Moonbin hyung why you talking like that?" Sanha asked Moonbin just sigh


I woke up clueless noticing that I was sleeping on the couch, I sat up and looked at my phone "ITS 9:00!?" am. I shouted as I stood up and ran to the kitchen where I found my mom "Oh- you're awake" she said as she place a plate of food in front of me "here eat this" she said as I ate the food like I haven't are for 2 days "How did I end up on the couch?" I asked "Your brother carried you down" she said as she took my empty plate away "why?" I asked "because you wouldn't wake up" she said "Oh..." I said still clueless "By the way Aly and Steph are here" mom said as she drank her glass of water "Yea I invited them over- where are they?" I said as I stood up and started walking to the stairs "They are at your brothers room!" Mom shouted from the kitchen

I went up stairs and walked towards to my brothers room then I realize I was just still wearing my sweater and short, don't care I look cute anyways *flips hair* Haha.... I barge in my brothers room kicking his door open, but not to hard but it did cause a pretty loud slam " HEY LAZY ASSES!! Oh- hey Aly and Steph" I shouted as Moonbin looked at me with a mad face and I just smirk at him like 'payback b*tch' "Hey Sam" Aly said as she smiled at me then I smiled back, I then jumped on my brothers bed between Eunwoo and Sanha, I then looked at my phone "So~~ what are you guys doing?" I asked still looking at my phone while laying down "Well we were doing something un-" I cut him off "Oh yea Steph Aly let's go to my room!" I said as I stood up and walked towards the door then Steph and Aly followed me, I let them both get out first then before I got out I flip off my brother then I close his door shut "Aish! I swear to god Sam!" He said as he throw a pillow to the door

My Room
"Okay so why did you invite us again Sam?" Steph ask "Do you guys want to go camping with us?" I asked them "REALLY!?" they both shouted at the same time "Yea" I answered back "YES!" They answered "YAY" we three shouted again

Another long imagine I making part 2 for this

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