Chapter Five

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I head back to my room to get ready for my classes. Right now I have training with everyone. I put fresh clothes on and walk away.

I'm only a couple minutes late as I walk outside. They are still assembled around our teacher. I stand beside Jared and he smiles at me. The smile doesn't reach his eyes.

"Miss DeMont, so nice of you to join us. Feeling better I presume." He asks, turning his attention to my arrival.

"Yes, sir." I reply and he nods. He waves us off to train and for once I'm glad. I turn to Jared and see him already smiling.

"Partners?" We ask at the same time. We both start laughing and it feels good to be happy. We walk towards the water and stand in fighting positions.

Our powers twirl and combine until I'm shoved back. I grunt in surprise when he continues his onslaught. Water gets in my throat and I hold up a hand to stop.

He must not see it because it continues pouring on me. The sheer force of it brings me to my knees and I wonder if he's using the entire lake.

I fight against it but my powers have only just returned and I'm too sluggish to stop him. I feel the weight gone and shouting voices. I open my eyes and wince as water drips in my eyes from the hair over my face.

I swipe it aside and see Damon being held back by four men. His face is red and he's shouting at Jared. I struggle to my feet to stop the fight.

"Guys, stop, it's not his fault." I snap, my voice raspy from choking on water. They look at me and Damon walks away. Just like that.

I can still see the anger pouring of him as he strides away. Each step angrier than the last. I look at Jared and see the apology in his face. I try to smile but it comes out as more of a grimace.

He loops an arm around my waist and I lean against him as he leads my dripping body inside.

I don't have enough energy to use fire to dry myself off so I have to do it the old fashioned way. After Jared leaves I use a towel to dry myself. A puddle quickly forms around my feet and I shake out my hair as best as I can before tying it back.

I mop up the water and throw it in my laundry basket. I gaze at the overflowing basket in annoyance, I don't want to wash it.

I'll do it tomorrow. I throw myself in bed and cover up with the blankets. I can't fall asleep. No matter what I do. I toss and turn until I'm wrapped in my blankets.

I try hanging off the bed, sleeping upside down. Even sitting up. It's not until I face my door that I'm actually able to sleep.

The setting sun makes me stay out longer. I've only seen it once before, when I was a child.

The cool Summer breeze makes me uncurl on the soft, green grass. The orange and pink tints in the sky make me feel like painting. But grabbing the paint and easel would make me miss this.

Suddenly the sun winks out and the world is shrouded in darkness. I can't remember that happening last time. I sit up and glance around.

The sound of gunshots and snarls fill the air. Next are the sounds of screams. Fearful and young. I rush towards the sound.

I run past the trees that enclose me in my world and break into the next. Horror is all I feel.

Lifeless bodies cover the ground. Blood is everywhere. Farther in this world I see women and children being lined up outside of buildings.

Men with guns aim at them. Before they can pull the trigger I launch myself at them. I can't stand by and let them hurt children. I even see a pregnant woman.

The guy swings around and hits me with his gun. I kick out and send him falling. Wind tears at their bodies until they are forced to the ground.

I leave none of them untouched. Fire consumes every male with a gun. I hear cries of terror coming from the scrambling victims but I pay them no attention.

I am focused on the murderers in front of me. They beg for mercy, but the creature I have become doesn't know that word.

The world tilts as a bang goes off. As a bullet speeds towards me. My fire is too slow to melt it as it races towards my heart. I scream as I tear the world apart with my magic.

My wind picks up, sending the fire higher into the air as my life ends.

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