Chapter Six

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I wake up screaming. Sweat pours down my face as I confront my biggest fear. Loosing control. Not death. No, that was a blessing.

If I ever lost control over my elements I would beg for someone to destroy me. I shudder as I think of the destruction that would cause.

I clench my shaking fingers as I wait for the terror to subside. After I'm done gathering my thoughts I take a shower.

The warm water helps rinse away the last remnants of my nightmare. I stand under the spray longer than I should, and my fingers are pruned when I withdraw from the shower.

I wring out my hair and stand before my mirror. Bruises pop up on different parts of my body from Clark throwing and punching me. But overall, the damage is easily concealed.

Pulling my clothes over my now dry body, I focus on today. I need to put the past behind me. Including Damon.

The fact that he was that angry shocks me, I know he's a werewolf and dangerous, but why did he get that angry? It was a misunderstanding.

I head out and quickly make my way to individual training. I have no idea who is going to be training me because they swap it.

I open the door and grab a bottle of water off a nearby stand. I gulp it down and then turn to my trainer.

The guy I hate the most stares back at me. A smirk on his face. I glare at him and his smile widens.

Suddenly without warning he rushes at me. I twist away from him and he topples to the ground. He gets back up and turns to face me. His eyes assess me for weaknesses. I hope he doesn't find any of mine.

We charge at each other but before my fists makes contact with his face, he has me on the ground.

I kick him in his balls and he scrunches up. Smirking down, I watch him slowly change.

He disappears. Simply vanishes. I've always hated people who could turn invisible because I could never conquer it and I can't see them. He controls air and earth.

He slams into me from behind and sends me careening into a wall. He's in my face and visible. I push against him but he grabs me hands.

He's too close to use my legs so I stop fighting. "You win, let's go again." I say. He smirks before leaning down. His lips land on me and I fight against him.

He presses against me harder and I can't breathe. I shake my head but he doesn't let go. So I do the one thing I can. My hands erupt in flames and the smell of scorched skin reaches my nose and I gag. I am never doing that again.

He attacks me, pushing my shirt up in the process. His eyes rake hungrily over my body. I shudder and try to run. The look in his eyes scares me.

He lunges and pulls me closer to him. I scratch his face and he let's go. Holding his face in his hands, I scramble out the door, tears pouring down my face. I sprint down the halls untill I bump into a large person.

I hear them sigh and push me back. I stumble back and look up. Of course, Damon stands before my crying form.

"What's wrong?" He asks me, worry lacing his words. I sniffle and wipe my nose.

"Will...." He raised his eyebrows, but his eyes start turning black. "Kissed me." I finish. He starts shaking and I touch his shoulder.

"Did you want him to?" It sounds like it physically hurt him to ask. I shake my head no and bow my head. It ashamed me that he could do that to me. He strides down the hallway and I run to catch up with him.

"No, leave him alone. I'd rather not make this situation worse." I plead with his form. He stops, causing me to run into him.

"Worse, how could it get worse. He purposely kissed you without consent. He kissed my ma...." He trails off, running his fingers through his hair.

"Your what?" I question. He glances at me but doesn't answer my question. Whatever.

"Well, it was nice talking to you. See you later." I mumble, already walking back to my room to await my next class.

He sighs again but I'm already gone. I don't want to deal with boys any longer. I can't trust any of them, except Jared.

I close my door behind me and check to make sure that Clark isn't here. It still sends panic through my veins. I look at my painting on my dresser and glance away again.

It reminds me of Damon, and I don't want to think about him. All he is good for is confusing me. One minute he's kissing me and the next he's avoiding me. And that leads me back to thinking about Will kissing me.

I shudder again at the thought. Will is a complete jackass who is going to rot in hell.

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