Chapter Seven

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The next day, I wait for Damon outside the boy's dormitory. I stand with my arms crossed, leaning against the brick building.

When the door opens and he walks out, I jump in front of him. He stumbles back, shocked, before glaring at me.

I open my mouth to speak but he shoulders past me. "Hey, I want answers!" I yell after his retreating back. "You can't just tell me that and walk away."

He doesn't stop walking so I run to catch up to him. "I don't have to give you answers to anything." He growls out.

"If you want me to keep your secret you will tell me." I state, hands on my hips. He stops walking and I run into him.

"Hmmph." He whips around and grabs me by the shoulders. "You will not tell anybody about what happened yesterday. Do you understand me?" He speaks clearly, his gaze never wavering.

"I will tell if I don't get answers right now!" I say, getting in his face. His breathing comes out labored and his eyes switch between black and green.

"Fine, later and where it's not populated." The words coming out rushed and breathless. He doesn't move from that position though, and his face is really close to mine. I nod and back up.

Snapping out of whatever trance he was in, he also backs away. "Okay." I walk to my class. Later, I will get my answers later.

I'm still not getting over the fact that Damon is a werewolf. My sworn enemy, and I'm not killing him. I'm supposed to be killing him.

Slowly rubbing my hands over my face I walk into training. Cold air rushes past me and I breath in relief. It feels so nice, especially since it's 90° outside. Way too hot for me.

I prefer the cold weather. There are more ways to keep warm if the world freezes over. If the world became really hot everywhere, the water would evaporate and we would suffer a drought that would never end. And without water, how else are we supposed to stay cool, much less hydrated.

At least it would snow and we can melt ice with hands or blankets if electricity stopped working.

But not many people agree with me. They all think about the tans you can get. And oh my God, they don't have to be fake. Well, listen here. I don't tan.

Then people go on about food. It's like a deep freeze out there, everything will be fine by the time you die.

Math is full of jackasses who don't know shit. How are they in this class again? They can't even divide properly. This school doesn't make sense, and I'm tired of trying to figure it out.

After math I head straight to bed and fall asleep without any problems. The problems start when I start dreaming.

It's him. Damon. Why is he here, what if my parents find out? For some reason I can't let them find out. I grab his arm to stop him from stepping closer to them. Already I can sense the distrust.

Ice coats my mother's hand and the wind picks up. "Don't move another step." My father warns.

Damon gets on one knee before them. My parents have surprise and curiosity on their faces. Just like me, they too, are wondering what he is doing.

"I am here to ask something of you." Damon's deep voice sounds out.

My dad nods. "What is it?" My mother's unflinching gaze doesn't seem to affect Damon. "I have come to ask if you will let me have her as my ma—"

I'm shook awake. "Ehy, I wamt to woe ow it ends." I mumble into my pillow, yawning at the same time.

"You wanted answers, here I am." I bolt upright and the sound of his voice. "Damon?" I ask, even when it's obviously him.

"Yes, I'm here to answer your questions." I nod my head and pat the space beside me.

The bed dips down as he climbs on it. "Why are you here if you're a werewolf?" I ask.

He sighs through his nose. "I needed to learn how to control my elements. Just like you guys do." He explains. "Are the stories true?" I whisper, needing the truth.


Blunt. I like it.

"Does anyone else know about you?" I would hope not. "No, only my pack."

I nod my head, deep in thought. How big is his pack? Does he miss it? I decide not to ask these questions.

"Earlier you were going to call me something. What was it?"

"Well, the thing is. You're my m—"

Why is he always cut off. "Who's talking in there?" A loud voice booms from outside my door. Damon dives in my closet and I pretend to sleep. Someone opens the door and I here them mumble about fakers and how they don't care anymore.

That was a close one. "Damon, you never answered my question." I call out, but my closet is open and my door is closing. A click is the only thing that is heard.

Sighing, I fall back into my pillows. I just wanted an answer.

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