Chapter Four

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All I remember is him marking me and me retaliating. I'm back in the same bed, but I'm not alone. He sits beside my bed, leaning back with a hand over his eyes.

I guess I startled him when I woke up because he bolts upright. His eyes scour the room, looking for intruders. After deeming it safe, his eyes fall upon me.

I shudder as his eyes rake over my body. A silent plea for help runs through my head as he reaches forward. He pulls me towards him. I try to scramble back, but he is persistent.

He stands up and throws me over his shoulder. I pound on his back but he shows no sign of letting me go.

"Let me down, you bastard!" I scream in his ear which makes him wince. I hate this mother fucker.

I punch him again and he throws me off his shoulder. I land with a loud "Oomf." I glare at him as my tailbone aches. No fucking respect.

He glares back, showing his teeth. I glance away, not at all comfortable with the fact he's a damn werewolf. Speaking of that, why can't I use my powers?

I call upon the energy in my chest, but it stays put. I start to panic as fire doesn't leap into my open palm. He smirks as he watches me try.

"I injected you with POM. Preventer of magic. And from now on, you will call me Carl." He smirks again, thinking he is big shit. Well, I got something for you buddy, you are shit. S.H.I.T

He grabs me again and drags me into a kitchen where food is laid out. I'm placed in a chair and he slides a plate before me.

Reluctantly, I probe the food in front of me. I watch him eat and deem it safe. My stomach grumbles as I slowly pick up my fork. What the hell, why not? If I die, I want it to be at the hands of food. Ah, such a happy ending.

He knows how to cook, I'll give him that. The eggs are golden, bacon crispy and pancakes warm with butter sliding over the top. I quickly eat and scoot away from him.

He notices and frowns before sliding me closer to him. "If we are to be mates, you need to act like it." He grumbles, anger rising.

My anger lashes out to meet his. "We are not fucking mates. Get that out if your psychotic fucking mind." I growl.

His hand slaps me and I spit in his face. "Watch yourself. Or you might not live." He ground out before flinging his plate at the wall. I wince as it shatters and lands in a heap on the floor.

"I'm done, and I'm going back to sleep." I state, heading back up the stairs.

He continues standing there as I walk away. I smile in triumph as I rush into the room and lock it. Bolting over to the bathroom I wrench the door open.

I shut and lock that door too, even though he can probably rip them off their hinges.

I slowly ease the window open and wait. I hold my breath as I wait to hear his feet pounding on the stairs. The splintering crack as the first door breaks down. The second boom as he rips the bathroom door away and stands in front of me.

I wait and hear nothing. Taking this as the time to leave, I finish pushing it open. I slip one leg out  first, then the second. I fall down and the air rushes past me. I hit the ground with a loud thud and take off.

Grass and dirt fly away from me as I sprint through his territory. The forest looms ahead and I push myself harder to reach it. I just hope he doesn't realize I'm missing.

I pass the first tree and don't look back. I'm going to have to inform the school of what has happened today. Just the thought fills me with dread.

I have no clue where I am, but I continue to push forward. I need my abilities back; without them I feel naked. Like my back is exposed in battle.

The world tilts as something crashes into me. I kick out, thinking it's Carl. I hear someone curse and I continue hitting wildly.

"Stop. Stop. Hey, it's me, alright." I hear a familiar voice say. I focus my gaze on him and see Damon before me.

I fling myself in his arms and he chuckles. I grip him tight and I feel him start to run. I'm so glad he found me, I would've killed myself by tripping on a root, heading in the wrong direction from the academy.

He runs faster then should be possible. That's when I remember he's a werewolf as well as Carl. I try to get away from him, but he presses my struggling body closer to him. I can't fight him because the POM is still in me. I hope it wears off soon.

I see the school look ahead and sigh, finally, I'm back. It seems longer than one day, but at the same time it doesn't. He sets me down and I turn to him for answers.

"Look, I can only tell you one thing. Yes, I'm a werewolf, but you can't tell anybody. I know you will want to but I'm begging you do not. This is the lives of millions of people in your hands. Don't kill them, please." Millions? There are that many? I nod, slowly. He did save me after all. I guess I owe him this. But he owes me answers, and I don't care how I get them.

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