Chapter 1

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A few days had passed since I told Casey about me being pregnant. We immediately scheduled the next available appointment at the doctors and we both were going. We walked into the familiar brick building that looked so homey, if that was even a word, but it was the only one that came to my mind. We had been here quite a few times since we decided to try having a child. Always the results were saddening, but this time I was positive that we would come out on a happy note this time, we had too. I walked up to the check in desk of our family doctors office. I gave the receptionist my name and Casey and I sat down in the waiting room. I saw the familiar child's play corner with the modernized toy abaci that toddlers would never understand what it derived from, but nevertheless were amused by it. Casey held my hand in his and squeezed it gently.

"We finally did it, we finally are going to be parents" I squeaked at him in joy

He smiled a big face covering smile, "Yes, we did."

About fifteen minutes later a nurse came out and called me back, Casey of course came with. She knew both of us well, as she had seen us here a lot within the past months.

"You two seem really happy! Could this really be it? Are you two finally pregnant? You both deserve this." She asked, excitedly, she was so sad when we would leave every time heartbroken because I ended up not being pregnant.

"We think so, I took two tests that came out positive!" I beamed at her with the same amount of excitement.

"It's extremely rare for false positives to happen, especially two in a row, so this is a good sign" she told us.

Soon, I was in the lab having my blood drawn, as it was the most reliable source for testing for pregnancy.

After about twenty to thirty minutes, the results came back. The doctor took us into the exam room.

She looked at us and we were unsure what the results were. Could I not be pregnant? Oh, no!

"Mr. and Mrs. Rush, I feel that... a congratulations is in order, you're going to be parents!" She smiled

We yelled and cheered in excitement.


Some good news.

"Well, if you're ready, I'd like to do an ultrasound." The doctor told us

I looked at her and all I could do was nod yes. She left the room so I could put on a gown and remove my pants and underwear, it was an ultrasound where they put the scope inside as the fetus was most likely to young to be seen the other way. I laid back on the exam table and Casey and I waited on her to come back.

"Seeing you in that gown is such a turn on" Casey said in a seductive tone.

I laughed with a huge smile on my face that had been plastered to my face since we were told I was pregnant. Shortly after, the doctor came in with the nurse and prepared the ultrasound machine. I put my feet on the foot holsters and spread my legs. The doctor put her gloves on and grabbed the tube of lubricant placing a generous amount on her index and middle finger. She looked up to me.

"Mrs. Rush, I'm placing some lubricant at the entrance where the lips meet to make it easier for the scope to enter into the uterus through the vaginal canal." She explained and I nodded, giving her the ok.

A few seconds later she entered the scope inside me, and a few seconds after that a picture came up on the screen of a little black dot. I indeed was pregnant. The doctor was able to calculate how far along I was, and by the looks of it, I got pregnant around my birthday.

"From the looks of it, you are roughly five weeks along" she smiled, the she put on a serious face, "but since it took a lot for you to become pregnant, I'm labeling this pregnancy as a high-risk pregnancy."

Casey and I looked at each other then back to the doctor, this was not going to be an easy nine months.

"What does that mean exactly?" Casey asked, I could hear the crack of worry in his voice.

The doctor looked at both of us and with a sighing breath she listed the things we had to be careful doing during my pregnancy.

"Since it is a high-risk, that means that any normal amount of anything could cause a miscarriage. So, that means, no lifting above five pounds, no vigorous exercise, preferably no exercise at all or at least kept to the minimum of walking, no reaching up for things above your head, don't bend down from the waist, bend with your knees, sleep on your left side for better circulation, and lastly, no sexual intercourse until the pregnancy is complete." She finishes the long list of things.

Casey and I looked at each other, I knew we wouldn't like the no sex part, but this is our child, we have to do what is necessary to bring him or her into the world. Finally, we looked back at the doctor. "Okay, we agree to those terms" we both said to her.

She wrote down the list she told us of things to avoid and soon we were leaving the doctors office. I was happy and I was hoping Casey was happy but he just had a worried look on his face.

"Casey, what's wrong?" I asked, now worried.

"I knew it was going to be hard, but I didn't realize it would be this hard, they should practically put you on bed rest, damn, you can't do anything on your own." He said angered.

"Honey, I know it won't be easy but it will all be worth it..." I took his hands and put them on my stomach "in the end when you and I are holding our child in our arms"

He smiled and leaned his head to mine and placed his lips on my lips and kissed me with a quick passionate kiss. We walked to the car and I got in on the passenger side and he got in on the driver's side and we went home.

Yes, these next, well thirty-five weeks with be tough, but we've been through so much already, we can do this, I know we can.

JadedViolet's Island Rush: Afterwards: Through the eyes of a readerWhere stories live. Discover now