Chapter 5

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Author’s Note:

Hey guys, I know it’s been a bit since my last update. I just want this to be the best it can be before I post it. This story means a lot to me and also, I want it to mean a lot to JadedViolet because without her, this would be impossible. So, enjoy chapter five.

Chapter Five

The first week of classes passed quickly. Now, I am fifteen weeks along, and in five weeks we find out what we are having. The baby moves a lot. It’s not bad, it just feels like flutters most of the time. From what I’ve read, later on it will sometimes be a little painful as they get bigger and their space in there gets smaller, but that the pain will be nothing compared to child birth. Speaking of childbirth, I honestly am scared to death. I have been placed on a high-risk pregnancy. What if I can’t give birth naturally? Or what if I can and something happens to me, or worse, the baby?

I need to get these negative thoughts out of my head. It’s making me paranoid. And if Casey were to know I’ve been having these thoughts, he’d probably get just as paranoid as I am. And we both don’t need that.

I was 5:45 when I woke up. Casey was still asleep, so I decided to take a quick shower.

As I was rinsing out the shampoo in my hair, the shower curtain pulled back and Casey joined me. I smiled as he wrapped his hands around my growing baby bump. He kissed the back of my neck.

“Good morning Beautiful.” I felt him murmur against my skin.

I turned to face him “Good morning to you too, Handsome.” I said with a smile.

He knelt down and kissed my belly. “Good morning to you too, little Guy.” He said

I laughed “So, you think it’ll be a boy?” I asked

“I’d like whatever God gives us.” He looked up and smiled

“Me too. As long as they’re healthy, that’s all that matters to me.” I told him in reply

He stood up and kissed me. “You’re seriously the most perfect woman I’ve ever met.”

“I know.” I laughed out

“Conceited?” He chuckled out as well.

“Maybe, but I only get it from the most perfect man I’ve ever met.” I said back

“Ha, ha.” He scoffed

We showered together and got out to begin getting ready for school today. Another Monday.

It was almost seven in the morning when we arrived. I kissed Casey before we departed for our ends of the school.

JadedViolet's Island Rush: Afterwards: Through the eyes of a readerWhere stories live. Discover now