twenty two

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ME- so who was it, did you call me a slut be honest

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ME- so who was it, did you call me a slut be honest.

ME- you really weren't wrong.

ME- I mean I legit signed up for a SEXTING app. but I didn't think of it how those messages made me thing of it.

ME- I saw a relationship- now remember I'm a 22 year old virgin over here who hasn't had a real relationship and has the brain and imagination of an elementary school child...

ME- I ignored the fact that sexting women was your job- and forgot the part where you truly were just a random guy who I fell for without even hearing your voice or seeing your face.

ME- something in my delusional head was saying your were my- well, my boyfriend, that I knew you already.  I don't know shit about you.

ME- and that's terrifying.  I never learn.

ME- I'll never get it through my thick stubborn skull that you aren't mine.  seeing you- I fell harder, not because you're some celebrity other girls gawk over and I'm dying to make them jealous but because you're actually beautiful.

ME- the most gorgeous man.

ME- getting those messages- I didn't even want to imagine your face, I broke a damn jar at work over you.

ME- the same job you made me do such wild and crazy things at.  the same job that gave me the money to be able to have messaged you.

ME- I might be being dramatic. maybe you're telling the truth, maybe the messages sent on their own... but they weren't wrong.

ME- I'm not proceeding into whatever this is. it's not real, it's all a lie. I'm done sexting a stranger.

ME- I shouldn't of been chasing lust. maybe I should've went onto that tinder app, find an actual relationship. why I didn't do that beats me, at first I was going to joke around, then it was so much more in my head.

ME- I've wasted a few weeks of your life. I'm deeply sorry. I'm not a slut, I'm not going to slut it up anymore.

ME- bye joonie-ah.

sexting a stranger • kim namjoonWhere stories live. Discover now