Six: Part One

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Everything was as well as it could be with Silas gone. Training was going well and everyone did everything they could to help out.

Maverick had sent a small group consisting of five wolves to the peninsula to scout, only two returned. They had reported that Silas was indeed there, however the forest was crawling with creatures of all sorts of species. Too many to try and decipher what they were up against.

A month into training and disaster struck. An attack in the night had left the pack with four dead, seven wounded, and one in a coma and in critical condition.

Grayson sat in the chair next to Maverick's bed in the infirmary. His heartbeat was off the charts, either too low for the machine to pick it up or too fast for it to be normal.

He wouldn't wake up no matter what they did. Anger spread through his veins. Vampires had snuck in during the night. Their target Maverick. And they had succeeded in their plan thus far.

They had been fortunate enough that Maverick was able to injure one enough that he couldn't get away with the group that placed the attack.

They learned that their goal was to bite Maverick and inject him with vampire venom. A substance that killed most werewolves.

However Maverick was now in a coma, fighting, quite literally, within himself to save his own life. Since werewolf and vampire mates were rare, not much was known. However it was known that vampire venom didn't harm their mate and vise versa with werewolf saliva.

Corbin walked in and rubbed Grayson's back. With Mav in the coma, and them with no way of knowing if he was gonna make it, it was up to Grayson to run the pack and continue training. "You need to sleep Gray." "W-." "I'll keep an eye on him for you," Corbin interrupted. He gave a small smile to Grayson before kissing his cheek," He'll be here when you wake up."

Grayson nodded and kissed Corbin before leaving to go back and sleep. Corbin took his spot in the chair. He watched Maverick's chest rise and fall before his eyes found Maverick's neck.

The bite mark was deep and purple, the veins around it were inflamed and angry looking. They pulsed occasionally and whenever a large dose of venom found its way to his heart, it would speed up to the point it almost burst before almost stopping and then leveling out again. The first time it had happened had spread panic to the ones in the room.

Maverick was extremely pale and covered in sweat. His cheeks were bright with fever. His black hair was dull, lacking its normal luster. His eyes were sunken in and dark bags were underneath. He looked nearly dead, and that scared Grayson and Corbin more than anything else.

"You have to fight this Mav. Silas needs you. We all need you. Defeat this and wake up soon." He sighed after nothing happened and opened the book he brought.

He was standing in an all-white room.
It lacked all color. Who are you? Maverick turned towards the voice. It was an all red figure. The stark contrast to the pure room hurt his eyes.

The figure was sitting with its arms around its knees. Who are you? "Maverick, who are you?" The figure looked at him, I don't have a name. He tilted his head confused. Will you sit with me? He nodded and sat in front of the figure.

You aren't human. "No, I'm not." The figure turned his head back to the ground, Something is coming. The sound of footsteps filled the air and Maverick looked up to see an all black wolf. The wolf stopped in front of Maverick and looked at his face, Maverick. "You're my wolf?" The wolf nodded. He then turned to the red figure," Then what are you?" A vampire.

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