Chapter 1

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She was outside his house, she wasn't quite sure how she got there or even why she was there. But she felt like she needed to see him, like somehow Fletch would know exactly what to do.

Jac was freezing. She had walked all the way to Fletch's house, but she couldn't explain to herself why. After a long two minutes of standing on the doorstep, questioning herself as to why she felt she needed to see him, she pressed the doorbell. The sudden feeling of nervousness shocked Jac. Why was she nervous? She brought herself here. She came her of her own free will. What was she scared of? Maybe it was opening up to Fletch, letting someone in. Or maybe it was the way she felt about Fletch, she didn't want to hurt him. Maybe this was a bad idea.

Her thoughts were interrupted by the front door opening. There stood Fletch, which a confused but sympathetic look for the broken looking woman in-front of him.


Jac drops her head to the floor feeling a sudden rush of embarrassment for showing up at his house unannounced and unwelcome. What was she doing? She thought to herself.

'Come in.' His voice was soft and filled with concern.

She stepped inside. When she finally looked into Feltch's eyes, he see how broken she actually looks. Without any words being spoken, he pulls her into him. He wraps his arms tightly around Jac's small, fragile frame and places a soft kiss on her forehead. Jac felt overwhelmed by love for Fletch, she responded to his hug by squeezing him just as tight.

'I'm sorry.' Jacs voice cracked as she spoke into the crook of his neck. It was the first thing she had said since ringing the doorbell. Fletch pulled away, just enough so he could look her in the eye.

'What's going on? Are you okay?' His words were filled with concern for Jac. This wasn't like her, she was strong, she never let anyone see this side of her.

'I..' She chocked on her tears. Fletch moved his hand up to her face and gently wiped her tears away with his thumb.

'You're freezing, go and sit down I'll get you a jumper and a cup of tea' Fletch was calm and Jac found his words comforting. Fletch lead Jac into the living room.

'Wait here, I'll be back in a minute' Jac nodded and gave a small smile as Fletch left the room.

Fletch ran up the stairs and picked up the first jumper he could find, he quickly made his way back down stairs to Jac. He smiled and handed her the jumper.

'Thank you.' Jac's voice was weak, unlike her usual cold tone. She felt weak and vulnerable. Maybe that's why she felt the need to see Fletch, he was always there for her when she needed him the most.

Jac pulled his jumper over her head, it was too big for her but right now she didn't care. She pulled her hair up into a messy bun and then pulled the hood over her head. She slowly made her way to the kitchen, where Fletch was making them both tea. Fletch turned around as he heard the kitchen door open and gave Jac a small smile.

'Are you okay?' He asked

'Sort of.' Jac replied. She moved closer to Fletch, until there was only a few inches between them.

'Sorry for just turning up at your house like this Fletch. I needed to see you, there's something I need to tell you.' She practically whispered.

Fletch's eyes locked with Jac's, Fletch can see the guilt in Jac's eyes. He just can't place his finger on why it could be there.

'Go on.' Fletch encouraged. Jac's gaze shifted to the floor. She knew she had to be honest with him, she couldn't keep lying.

Before Jac even realised she said anything, she had told him everything. She had told him about what she had been going through since the shooting, the pain and how Petrenko had helped her.

Jac didn't know what sort of reaction to expect from Fletch, she thought that he might be angry at her for not saying anything to him. When Fletch said nothing Jac didn't know how to react, whether she should walk away and go home or to stay and try and explain herself.

'I'm sorry.' Were the only words that could leave Jac's mouth. Her words were fragile and weak, she was on the verge of tears.

Before she had chance to say anything else, Fletch had pulled her into another tight hug, for the second time that night. Jac felt safe in his embrace, like the last few months hadn't happened.

'Why didn't you tell me?' Fletch whispered as he lifted his head, just enough to for her to hear him without his words being muffled by Jac's neck.

'I didn't know how.' Jac mumbled, as if she was ashamed.

Fletch pulled away from Jac, their eyes locked. His eyes darted down to her lips and back to her eyes so quickly, Jac wasn't sure whether she had imagined it or not. He moved his arm from her waist and gently cupped her cheek. Jac's breath hitched in her throat, Fletch edged forward until their foreheads were touching.

'I'm sorry I wasn't there for you when you needed me the most.' Fletch spoke, softly. His voice filled with sadness, he felt as if he'd let Jac down. Jac could sense this from the guilty look in his eye and the way he spoke.

Fletch slowly placed his lips against Jac's, for a minute she froze, until she realised what was happening. Jac wrapped her arms around Fletch's neck and kissed him back.

Fletch pulled away and rested his forehead against Jac's, he smiled, a big goofy grin. Jac kissed him again.

'Go and sit in the living room, I'll make tea and then we can talk'

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