Irrational Fear

839 17 10

Max's age: 21

David's age: 35

Requested by @KitKat17IsBest

And yes, this is about drunk David.

Gwen POV: 

The two men were staring at the vodka bottle I placed on the table in the kitchen with wide-eyed fear and pale faces. 

"This has gone on long enough! David, you only ever drink Shirley Temple and won't touch a drop of actual alcohol. You are fucking 32, have a fucking beer once in a while." I stated trying to make a point to my stubborn husband. 

"Gwen I'm feeling really uncomfortable about thi-" David stared. 

I sighed. "Look, I just feel like you have this irrational fear of getting alcohol into your system. It's not healthy and the fear of a liquid is rubbing off on Max."

"Don't drag me into this! It's my choice. I just don't wanna do anything I'll regret," Max butted in.

"Exactly! He gets it!" David exclaimed gesturing to his son. 

"A beer won't hurt Max," Preston chimed in. Preston was living in our house as Max's boyfriend and also because his Grandmother died and he no one to take care of him. 

Max just grunted in return. 

"Okay. So just want to give you guys one shot. Is that okay?" I asked them. 

"Can't we just go slowly. Why to we have to go straight to the shots!?" Max asked. 

"I'm not doing this Gwen," David said as he stood up from the table. 

He was near the exit of the room. I had to think quickly. "The Sound of Music!" I exclaimed out of the blue. 

David turned around wearing a confused look. "What about it?" 

"You can play a drinking game with Max."

He still looked confused. "What do you mean?"

"Every time they say "Maria" in the Sound of Music, you and Max need to take a shot. You two can take turns," I explained. 

"Nup. Not doing it," Max said quickly.

"I guess I'll have to tell David about what I caught you doing two days ago," I sneered. 

I could tell by the look of horror on his face he knew I was referring to the time I walked in on him trying to fold one of his old Camp Campbell T-shirts into a bandanna like David. He basically begged me not to tell David afterwards. 

"What did he do?" David questioned. 

"Well little Max here-" I started making sure I was speaking slowly. 

"F-fine I'll do it!" Max yelled as he turned to the bottle of vodka and filled a shot glass. He tilted his head backwards while consuming the contents of the glass in one swallow. The way his face scrunched up in disgust was priceless. 

"Aw shit. Why do people even drink this stuff?" He complained. 

The easy one was out of the way. David would be the bigger challenge but I had something that might work. He was glancing worriedly at Max probably wondering if he had violent tendencies when he's drunk. 

I walked up really close to David which kind of made him uncomfortable. "I've got something to show you," I whispered in his ear. 

I lead him to our bedroom that we had upstairs. We had extended the house to have an upstairs when Leisl and Dustin were three years old so they could have more space to play in and David didn't want to move. It was a pain for about two years but when it was complete everything was worth it. 

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