Max is basically a cat

671 19 14

Max's age: 10

David's age: 24

Gwen POV:

The early Saturday sun was shining through the living room curtains as I opened my eyes. There was a warm weight laying down on me with his head resting on my abdomen and the rest of his body relaxed on top of my like a starfish. I could feel a bit of his drool soaking through my pajama shirt. I didn't know whether to think it was cute or annoying.

It was honestly not surprising that we both fell asleep while watching Bob Ross. His soothing voice was always able to calm us both down. The three of us were watching him for hours, that is until Max and I drifted off. I couldn't see David anywhere in the room so I assumed he just went to sleep in his own bed.

Just as I lifted my head up, my face was buried in black curls. The boy just seemed so comfortable using me as a bed, I didn't want to wake him. Even if I did wake him, he would probably be in a shitty mood and curse David and I off. I needed to find a way to get him off without waking him up but the task seemed nearly impossible.

I heard soft shuffling coming towards me from behind the couch. There was a soft hum that came from him when he was close enough.

"Good morning Gwen," he whispered.

"'Morning David. Little help here?" I laughed.

David came across to the other side of the couch where I was facing. He took a good look at us before smirking.

"I dunno Gwen," he teased. "He looks pretty comfy."

"David I'm stuck," I snapped.

He man kept on simpering at us. He put his hands on his hips and walked over to Max's sleeping form. This was to emphasize the joke, probably. He was just joking, right?

"Aw just look at him. I don't think he should move."

I knew what he was doing. He was way too nice to keep me under Max for eternity. He would let me free, eventually.

"Ha ha, very funny. Now help," I remarked.

Before David could say something, Max murmured something I couldn't hear. David leaned in closer to hear what his child was saying. He mumbled something else before David backed away.

"He said he loves his giant teddy bear," David cooed.

"For fucks sake David!" I hissed.


He then went to the other side of the room where I couldn't see while humming to himself. I heard some ruffling before he came into view again with a blanket in his hands.

"David I swear to God," I harshly whispered.

To my annoyance, I felt a blanket being put on my lower half. He was being serious wasn't he? He then bend over to where Max's face was. I heard a little "mwah" before he stood up straight.

He strolled over to me then bent down so we were at eye level with each other. He had that same grin and that insidious look in his eye. (I don't know about insidious, but it's definitely sneaky and filled with ill intent.)

"You sick son of a bitch," I muttered.

"I love you," he soothed.

"Suck a dick."

He just quickly kissed me on the cheek in response. Then said, "I'm making breakfast."


"Mm hm."

Max stayed in the same spot without moving for an hour after that. It wasn't quite torture though. David put on Teen Prison Mom Wars and I was entertained enough. I also found a Max sleeping on me similar to having a pet cat.

When breakfast was cooked, Max still wasn't awake. David thought of a great idea to wake him up without getting a death stare.

He carefully lifted the boy off of me and set him down on the couch. He stirred a little before frowning and opening his eyes. It felt amazing to not be stuck anymore.

"David?" he mumbled. "What the fuck are you- mmn"

David gently but quickly put a teaspoon of ice cream in Max's mouth. At first he seemed confused then the usual scowl appeared.

Just before he was about to say something probably insulting to David, David put another spoonful in his mouth. Then another.

At first he was confused then a slight smile appeared on his face.

Max's POV:

'That's right,' I thought as David kept shoving spoonfuls of icecream in my mouth. 'Feed me bitches.'

I truly never felt more like the king of the household. David was kidding himself if he thought he was the one in charge here.

I honestly don't know.

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