Prologue: A Night in Hell

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Haruka remembered the day vividly. How could she not, when it haunted most of her dreams, or danced in the back of her eyelids any time she closed her eyes? It was as if it had just happened the day before...

[Flashback to a four-year-old Haruka]

"Atta girl, Haru..." the voice of her cousin whispered in the darkness, "Eat up. No, no! Don't look! Don't look at what you're eating, damn it!"

But she had.

"Cousin... what is this?"

If only she hadn't.

"Haruka, I'm...I'm so sorry."

Maybe she wouldn't have tried to do it. That one, horrible act that would plague her for the rest of her existence.

"Your parents...they said it was the only way for you to survive." A purple-haired male embraced the shaking child, ignoring the gore that she was covered in. "They wanted you to live, so they sacrificed themselves. I'm so sorry."

She had eaten her parents that night. If was what they wanted. But she hated herself for it for years to come.

[Current Time]

With a cry, Haruka shot up in her small bed, chest heaving, sweat coming off her body as though she had just run two marathons. Images of her nightmare flooded her mind, and she buried her face in her hands, sobs raking her body. A familiar man with white hair burst into her room, worry coating his features.

"Oh, Haru..." He sighed when he saw her. He sat himself on the edge of her bed, pulling the teenager into his arms as he rubbed her back gently, soothingly. "Shh. It happened years ago. You're okay now."

They stayed the way the way they for a while, the man waiting until her sobs turned into hiccups, and she was drifting to sleep, before laying her back down. Grabbing a tissue from the box she kept on her bedside table, he wiped the sweat and tears from her face. Placing a gentle, cold hand on her cheek, he smiled. "Now, get some rest. You have a big day tomorrow."

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