Chapter 0 7: First Day

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When the letter from U.A came in the mail, Kaori was helping in Antieku, and Haruka was lying around in one of the booths in the back of the cafe, observing quietly.

Her cousin had burst through the door of the small place with such enthusiasm, a good number of customers jumped in their seats. A crash was heard from the kitchen.
He paid them no mind, however, as he rushed right over to the teen, thrusting the small envelope into her in expecting hands.

"Shuu, what-"

"It's from Yuuei." He stopped her, brushing purple hair from his eyes as he stared at her excitedly. She had rarely seen the man so thrilled, and usually it was only when a mutual friend was involved.
Nonetheless, his words had her jerking upright, clutching the envelope tightly. Pressing her fingers into the thing, she felt a small, rounded object. Her possible rejection, or the acceptance into her future.

Tearing into the envelope, the round disc fell out. As it clattered to the table, it seemed to activate, and a holo-image of All Might appeared.

"Hello, young Ryu!" His voice said, his large grin seeming bright even over the granulated hologram. "I saw you fighting on examination day, and I must say, you were quite vicious! Almost like an animal, haha!" The girl grunted at his words, briefly looking away- only to realize that the whole of Antieku was watching, too.

"You took out many robotics, and that in and of itself earned you 70 villain points! Congratulations! However..." The serious look on his face made her stomach flop, and she got heavily concerned. "You not only displayed great fighting capability, but heroism as well. Despite being so worn out that you could barely stand, you risked yourself to save young Midoriya from a fall that would have killed him, or brought him to deaths door. And for that..."

Everyone in the cafe held their breath.

"60 hero points! You see, young lady, heroes don't just fight the villains, they save lives as well! So we have to grade on that. Your score of 70 villain points and 60 hero points have gracefully put you at 2nd place in the examination! Well done!"

Cheers had already erupted around Haru and her hologram, but as All might continued speaking, Shuu shushed them all.

"Everyone here at U.A, the top hero academy in Japan, is happy to welcome their first and only ghoul into their ranks. Haruka Ryu, welcome to your very own hero academia!"

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"I changed my mind." Haruka grumbled as she stared at the way-too-big door that led to class 1-A. "I wanna go home. That door is giant. What if there's a giant in there? I'm too short. He might not see me, and he'll fucking crush me. Nope. I'm out-"

"Calm down." Rei laughed, shaking his head as he gripped her by the collar, holding her in place. "There aren't any giants in there with the goal to squash you today, Haru."

"Fuckin' liar-"

"Language, Haru!" A voice teased from behind the two. Looking over, the silverette grinned at Shizuka.

"Hey hey, good luck on the first day!" She sang as the redhead scurried up to the two. "I can't believe we all got in!"

"I know, right?!" Shizuka squealed, her hands cupping her face in pure happiness. "I'm so glad! It sucks we aren't all in the same class, though..."

Unfortunately, the trio hadn't been placed in the same heroics class, but the fact that they had all made it into the heroics course was enough to make them happy.

"Its whatever. But we should really all start heading inside. Doesn't class start soon?"

"Of course." Rei smiled, and ruffled Haruka's hair as he and Shizuka started walking away. "Good luck, Haru. You'll do great! And there aren't any giants, so don't worry."

Haru smiled, watching them walk away. But before she could go into her classroom, a timid voice spoke from behind her.


An internal groan. But, she turned, facing the greenhaired boy with a scowl. "What?"

"I- I..!" He was shaking, and his face was a crimson- he was nervous. Or terrified. Maybe even both. "Look, I never got to say thank you! F-For saving me."

"Don't thank me." She grumbled, rolling her eyes. "I only did what any hero would do. Not that you expected it, huh?" Haru cut him the dirtiest, nastiest look she could manage. "It must be a surprise to see a monster in your school, right?"

Izuku's eyes saddened, and his shoulders dropped. "Look, Haru, about what I said back then—"

"Oh hell no." she snarled, arms crossing over her chest. "Stop talking about it. You don't get to talk about it, and you don't get to apologize. I don't want to gear that bull!" With every word she spoke, she stepped closer to him, until she had him pressed against the rails that kept him from falling.
She grabbed his tie, lips twisted in anger. "After all I did for you in school, and everything I endured to show you how much of a monster I wasn't, you still saw me one. So I don't want your ratty ass apologies. Okay?"

She didn't give him a chance to respond. Instead, she stepped back, yanking him away from the rails so he wouldn't topple over. Releasing him, Haruka went to step inside, only to be met with another annoyance.

A boy with glasses strode towards the two, abandoning Katsuki, leaving him with an even more annoyed face than his usual resting bitch face. "You two! I really must congratulate you both on your passing the exams! You both must have known that there were other deciding factors in the exams, which makes you both superior students to me!"

Haruka scoffed at him, shoving by and heading towards the first seat she saw that was open, leaving Izuku to fend for himself with Specs, who, now that she thought about it, was the same examinee that had scolded her, Rei, and Shizuka.

She liked him even less.

"Cannibal." The ash blonde boy stepped into her field of vision, glaring at her with narrowed eyes. "Where have you been all this time?"

"Same place I'm always at." She quipped, "School, home, and then training. You could have stopped by." But she knew he wouldn't. "You had to have known I wasn't going to keep hunting you two down after class everyday." He didn't. Her plan to distance herself had really worked wonderfully, until that morning.

"You're such a pain in the ass." He spat, shaking his head. Katsuki shot her another glare, before silently returning to his seat, and promptly putting his feet on the desk.

As if more people needed to enter the classroom, a new, female voice rose above the idle chatter, expressing her happiness.

"It's you! Plain boy!"

Yes, Shuu is her cousin. He eventually plays a vital role in the story, too, which is the main reason I chose this chapter to name the cousin.

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