Chapter 0 5: Trials

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The silverette stood before U.A with a scowl. A rather bad habit, really; one she must have picked up from the excessive time spent around Shizuka. The months that passed since the last time she spoke to Izuku or Katsuki had been, in most ways, very unkind to the teenager. Exhaustion that never seemed to fade created dark rings under her eyes, and a jagged scar had been made over the left corner of her mouth- from just above her upper lip, to under her bottom lip. A sparring accident, from Misaki.
Each move Haruka made was laced with pain; a combination of intense training and slight starvation, though she did well to hide it, save for the quick flashes in the blue hues of her eyes.

"Hey, Haru!"

Turning towards the gates she herself had just passed through, a smile curled her lips. Shizuka and Rei strolled towards her, smiles on the both of their faces. The tall boy grabbed the short ghoul, wrapping her in a tight hug and spinning around. "Its been too long, Haru!" He whined, burying his face in the crook of her neck. Shizuka shook her head, trying to not laugh at the horrified expression on the silverette's face.

"You saw me just the other day, Rei. Now please, put me down! I'm gonna hurl!"
Thankfully, the boy complied, stopping his spinning to place her feet on the ground, but he didn't release her. Instead, his arms tightened.

"You look like shit." he said softly, "When was the last time you ate?" Silence. Rei sighed, shaking his head as he pulled away to almost glare at her. "Eat right, later. I mean it. I'll-"

"You'll do nothing." Shizuka brushed by the boy, looping her arm through Haruka's. "She hunted with Misaki, but my sister is gone now, so she just needs a new routine." The redhead gave the silverette's arm a pat. "Don't worry, Mel." she grinned, using her sister's old nickname for Haruka, "I got this."

"Yeah, okay." Haru attempted a smile, but a familiar mop of green hair, followed by spiky ash blonde hair, caught her eyes.
Haruka sucked in a breath as she watched her old friends; Izuku had filled out a bit- her trained eyes noticed the subtle way his clothes seemed to fit him much better. Katsuki, too, though he was always improving, so that wasn't too much of a shock.

As always, the ash blonde barked harsh words at Izuku, though they didn't seem nearly as harsh as they used to be. He strode past the greenette, and as he closed the distance between himself and Haruka's little group, she shuffled behind her tall friend, using the poor boy as a shield. Which, of course, put her in the direct line of Izuku's vision.

"H-Haruka!" he yelped out, taking a few shaky steps toward her. But, in true Izuku fashion, he tripped on his own two feet- and Rei came to her rescue.

"Quickly now, come on." He murmured, quickly guiding the two girls into the school. Shizuka, having been told the story of what had happened between Haruka and Izuku, kept shooting glares at the greenette, who had been saved by a nice looking brunette.
There was a thick silence that lasted until they reached the doors that led to the room they were supposed to meet in for the hero course testing.

"Is it too late to turn back?" Shizuka muttered, her arm tightening around Haruka's. Rei grinned over at the redhead, and ruffled her stylishly messy hair, taking out the style and leaving the simple mess.

"Way too late. Lets go take our futures by the horns, bitches!"

× + × + × + ×

"Whaaaat's up you crazy listeners! Welcome to the U.A entrance exams! I'll be your host for today, everybody say HEY!"

"HEY!" Haruka, Shizuka, and Rei yelled in unison. Around them, a few people jumped wildly, one of them even falling out of their seat. Because other than those three, and Present Mic, the room was silent.
The trio were stared at in shock by most of the other examinees, but none of the three let their excited grins falter. Rather, they seemed to grow wider, especially when the exam 'host', pro hero Present Mic, looked at them with a smile and a thumbs up.

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