As A Lady Swordsman

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Lowy told me to go to the Fort Bailune if I want to meet the Armament Caravan and a blue blinker on my map indicates me where is my new quest.

On my way to the Fort, all the other people around me, the other players and NPCs, disappeared. I unaware entered a «Cut Scene». It is also a special warp that is made for the story of the MQ.

"I think I should start getting the feel of it"

Two Chakos ran in front of me.

"Woah!", I said in shock.

"Hey! Stooooop!", I heard a lady's voice shouting from the direction inside the Fort. The girl with short orange hair stopped in front of me. While huffing, she asked me to help her retrieve the «Goddess Beads» that the Chakos took then she hurriedly follow the Chako that runs away while holding her short blade, ready for an attack.

I nervously pulled out my «Shortsword» and started to attack. Even though it is just a level one «Mob» or monster, it sure is hard as I needed three slashes to defeat it.

After the girl returned, I handed her the bead and she thanks me and said that they will have enough to live on

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After the girl returned, I handed her the bead and she thanks me and said that they will have enough to live on.

"Huh?", her words 'enough to live on' makes me confused.

"What? You haven't heard of the Goddess Beads!?", the girl asked in surprise.

"S-sorry, I'm just new here...", I automatically replied like what I said to Lowy earlier.

"Then, wh-where are you born?" Goddess Beads are the crystals that are the source of all the energy in this world", she stares at me with confusion.

Then she explained that their Legends said the beads are the tears of Specia, the Goddess of Species, and the tears are said to be crystallized underground. Just a little amount of the beads can support lives and the Goddess Bead I retrieved can be used as the energy supply for all the people in the refugee camp for more than a week but some people try to use the huge energy for war.

"I see...", I muttered.

"Oh, I'm Tilia Serivis, from the Parul Armaments Caravan. Nice to meet you!", the girl introduced herself with a smile then she handed me 20 Revita (S) as a reward for helping her earlier.

"Thank you."

I think I'm getting accustomed to talking back to the NPCs a little.

"By the way, you're really an adventurer, right? But your pieces of equipment look so... light...", she stares me with wonder before she smiled again. "You said earlier you just have begun your adventure quite recently right?"

"Yep", I smiled back.

Then she said to follow her back to visit Fort Bailune and talk to Varuna to help me.

Then she said to follow her back to visit Fort Bailune and talk to Varuna to help me

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