A New Adventurer

194 7 2

August 7, 20XXII

Light particles formed from the thin air into a shape of a human's body in the middle of the place she's never been. After a while, a girl appeared in a new world that is mysterious to her.

The girl with a golden blond hair that reaches her shoulders gently opens her silverish gray eyes and scans her surroundings. She stands in the middle of a ruined city that looks like everything was burned down, a place she'd never seen before, yet she knew where.

I let her eyes gently scan also her body and raises her arms and stares at her soft and smooth light-complexed skin. I look at the details of the «Adventurer Garb» that she wears  - a light brown sleeveless shirt with a pointed triangular hem and triangular collars with closed-neck design and brown vertical linings at the middle of the shirt with the brown buttons. A dark brown belt with a golden color buckle and the white miniskirt. Dark brown kneesocks and arm guards both with wide light brown hems and lastly, the brown high boots with golden color buckles adorning them.

"It's so cute~", I thought with a big smile.

I raise her both hands in front of me and move her fingers. I touched her face and her silky hair dyed with my favorite color. I touched her forehead where there's a «Hachigane», a red strip of cloth tied around her forehead with the ends swaying in the wind with her hair.

Everything seems real, but I know it's just a virtual world. I can feel the excitement flows within my body. This is where my adventure will start. Yes, this girl is me. I am the avatar Kira.X inside the virtual reality world of the game «Iruna Online VRMMORPG»

A notification popped in front of me as a part of a tutorial of the game. It asked me to follow it's instructions until the end of the tutorial.

The tutorial started by telling me about my character name and HP at the top of my head with my player indicator which is the green diamond floating just above my head. I looked up to check it above my head and only the green indicator is visible to me without my name and HP bar, but I can see those in other players running from afar.

Instead, on the left upper corner of my sight, there's my character name and level sitting with each other on the upper side, below it is my «EXP» bar then my «HP» bar and at the bottom is my «MP» bar. This window can be moved either to the upper left or upper right side of the player's vision to whatever makes the player feels comfortable.

The tutorial asked me to open the «Menu System» by following its instruction, which I did.

I raised my open right hand in front of me and said the activation word, "Menu" in my thoughts and then I slightly swipe from my left to right to open a big semi-transparent system window that appears and floats in front of me.

The developers made this system to avoid incidents wherein other players steal the items of a sleeping avatar in a field or dungeon while the player is «AFK», like in anime SAO where the thieves use the hand of the sleeping player to open their menu button and send to the thieves all of the sleeping player's item.

Saying verbally or just mentally the activation word "menu" while an open hand is raised in front of the player is needed to trigger the menu button on the fingertips of the player and swiping either to left or to right is needed to open the main system windows of the player.

I looked in the upper left window that shows my name, HP, MP, and EXP. I tapped it to show my character's information;


Name: Kira.X
EXP: | | lvl. 1

Title: --
Class: Adventurer

HP: | ---------- | 200
MP: | ---------- | 100

Under my avatar information, are my equipment window and item window just beside each other. There are also other windows just below them like the skills, quest and many others that I've decided not to check for awhile.

To log out, I found the 'Logout' button at the very bottom of my avatar window alongside with the 'Report' button.


It seems like I'm unaware anxious about can't log out from this game.

I scroll more the semi-transparent windows, that only I can see in front of me, and saw the map window. Opening it up, I saw the whole map of the place where I am now, my coordinates, and the name of this place. It is «Bailune City», or used to be but now, everything was all charred it black.

"A sad scenery and a sad music background", I said as I lower the volume of the music background so it won't distract me.

I added a shortcut button for the map at the lower right side of my vision before closing the system screen with a smile of excitement.

"Yosh! Okay~ let's start our adventure~" with a fist raised up in the air...

....is what I plan to do. But another notification popped up in front of me.



[A strong noise has been detected from the outside world]

"Could it be mom calling for me?"

Well, I better log out for awhile.


Author's Note:

So here we are, the first part of my story. To make things clear, not all in this story exist in the real Iruna Online MMORPG (because its MMORPG and I decided to make my story a sort of a full-dive VRMMORPG, if you've not yet noticed it, lol). But the places, skills, items, mobs are all going to be based on the actual game (or maybe mostly all and I would probably end up adding other things that would suit my story). And most of the scenes or part of the story (just most, not all) are what really happened when I'm playing the 'real' Iruna Online before and still planning to write a few memory I had in Iruna that I still remember while most of it will be a bit modified to suits the full-dive VRMMORPG environment in the story.

By the way, my dear readers, please bear in mind that this story may have numerous grammatical and spelling errors (since English isn't my primary language), but I'm always trying to improve and do my best.

Well, happy reading~ 😉


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