I Sense Opportunities And Troubles

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Our class ended early today than usual since our Math teacher's told us that we can go home already after we finish the special hard seatwork she left for us because they're busy. Luckily we finished it faster than we all expected.

"YEEEESSSSS!," I secretly rejoice inside my mind while doing a little 'hurray' first in front of my chest.

It's a time to be excited like this because it means I'll have lots of spare time for my games before doing my homework.

I can use that extra time to visit Iruna and try to meet up again with my first friend in that world. Will he be happy also like me if we meet again? It will be just easy to go on an adventure together with him again because he's in my friend list, right? I can send him a request mail.

Thinking all of those and any possible adventures awaiting me makes me so excited to come back playing Iruna.

"I wanna go Iruna NOW!", I squeal deep within me secretly. As I hurriedly left our school grounds and went straight home.

"Oh, I'm so excited"

I sit quietly inside the bus and act calmly, but inside of me, I know I'm already boiling from impatience and already shouting, "hurry up Mister, faster!", inside my mind as I glare at the man who drives the bus I rode. It feels like every precious second of my gaming time is being wasted away because of long traveling. Now I'm starting to hate the distance of our home to school.

After I reached the gate of our house, I run inside our home like a flash.

Shoosh~, straight to my bedroom, tossed my things on my bed and quickly took my virtual full-dive gears.

After complete setup, I sat on my comfortable chair and chanted the voice command for starting the game.

"Game Start"


Parul Region
Fort Bailune


I blinked my eyes for some seconds first before looking around.

"Right, I'm inside the tent I rented yesterday", I reminded myself as I slip outside of the tent and excited to start my journey again.

"Huh? what was that?", I asked myself as my vision seems became a bit blurry for a second.

Thinking maybe it was just my imagination, I just decided to completely forget about it then I opened my menu screen and checked my friend list which only has a single name written on it.


Friend List

1. #ero - offline


I sigh very deeply.

"Oh well, it can't be helped. Everyone has their own private lives, maybe he's a busy one or not much into games", I tried to console myself.

After I closed my Main Menu Window, it happened again. Though this time it's different.

My head feels swimmy for a second.

"Weird", I thought. "What was that?"

But then again I just shrug my shoulder after I didn't see any problems in my avatar.

I start to run past through the ruined Bailune City and the Micerne Plains until I reached the Rokoko Mining Village.

It's a small safe zone extending on two areas. Besides the village itself is a tunnel going to the mining hole.
I still haven't tried to take a peek mining area though so I still don't know what's in there. On the other path will lead to Ronfa Mountains.

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