Seven | Bin

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*Continuation of the last chapter but what happens between MJ, JinJin and Bin*

JinJin drug Bin out of the medium sized white room by his sweater sleeve.

"What the hell Bin?! Where were you?!"

Bin sighed, he knew he deserved this; he should have told them, but they would have still acted the same.

"I'm sorry JinJin Hyung.... I stayed at a friends' for the night."

He could tell that neither of them believed him. But he stayed quite.

MJ finally spoke up.

"Oh yeah? Why didn't you call us off one of their phones, if yours was 'dead' ?"

"I didn't think of that."

(Don't kill me Jisoo oppa...)

The shouting made tears prickle Bin's eyes; he never liked when his Hyungs' yelled, it was always a little scary.

"I c-couldn't go back t-to the dorm."

He wanted to curse his shaky voice, and the tears starting to run down his face.

Both of the olders' gazes softened.

"Why Bin..?"

Bin let out a shaky breath he didn't know he was holding in.

"I-I-I Um .... I cheated on Dongmin...."

The look on their faces made Bin regret saying anything about it.

They all knew how sensitive Dongmin was... And this was no acception

Jinwoo crossed his arms before speaking

"What made you do that Bin?" 

By this point the tallest of the three was shaking,  he didn't want to tell them anything, but he knew he would only get into greater trouble not saying anything at all.

He took in a breath before telling them everything that happened.


By the time Bin was done explaining, he was a sobbing mess; it being the first time he cried because of the break up.

He was now in the arms of MJ who was soothingly rubbing his back saying encouraging words.

"I'm such a fuck up Hyungs"

"Don't say that Binnie. You just need to talk to him. Dongmin is a pretty forgiven guy. I'm sure if you explained what you did to us, he would understand."

He knew they were right; but for some reason he just couldn't bring himself to do it.

"Can i give him a few days to calm before I do anything?"

"Of course Bin. Take all the time you need, as long as you make it right."

They stayed in the narrow hallway for a few more moments making sure that Bin was calmed down enough to not completely erupt into tears when he see's the Love of His Life.

As they walked back in Bin caught a glance of Dongmin starring, at him with general concern.

JinJin broke the tension, putting on a happy voice

"Let's get back to practice shall we?"

Innocent Love | Binu / BinWooWhere stories live. Discover now