Chapter Two | Eunwoo

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Dongmin couldn't stop the tears that happened to fall down his slim face, looking over the text bin sent him

Let's take a break

Now, it wouldn't be so hard if they didn't live in the same dorm... With 4 other guys... They still had to see each other non the less...

Usually when he was sad Bin would come and comforting him.... But he never thought that Bin would be he person he's crying over....

When his bedroom door opened at first he thought it was Bin... Quickly wiping his tears. But... He soon realized that Bin more n likely won't come back into the room for a few hours...

"Eunwoo Hyung..?"

The voice he thought was Bin turned out to be Sanha

He didn't want the Maknae to see him cry... So Dongmin being Dongmin tried to make himself look okay...

"Y-Yes Sanha"

Goddamn shaky voice...

"Were you crying?"

"What?! No!! Why would you think that..?"

Sanha scoffed... Ah Shit

"Well.. for starters your eyes are really red... You have no make up on... Your hair is a mess... You never let that happen... You're shaking really bad meaning you're holding back tears... Min Hyung... Its not good to hold your emotions in..."

And just like that Lee Dongmin broke down

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