CHAPTER 4- Possessive

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I know that it is wrong of me to manipulate Melisa like that so that she stays with me, but she's made for me. She's the one. No one can stop me from making her mine.

The Moon goddess does everything for a reason. And mates are made in such a way that they complete each other. I will have to mark her soon to start the mating process and make her mine forever. Oh the things I will do to her. Female werewolves experience heat soon after finding mates , which means that Melissa will be in heat too. The other males will also smell her need and want to take her. Even the thought about other males looking at my mate makes my blood boil.

I look down at Melissa  sleeping in my bed. She soon exhausted herself after I brought her home. She looks so angelic right now. Her blonde hair is covering her face, the light from the lamp creating a glowing halo. She adorably sleep talks in her sleep.  I brought her to my room and told her to sleep here while I arranged a party to introduce the pack to their new luna. And when I came back I saw her tangled in a blanket sleeping like a rock. 

'Our mate is beautiful ,' my wolf Xavier said.

'Yes she is.'

'Mark her as soon as possible. I have a feeling that she'll run away.'

'I can't. I said that I'll mark her when she wants me,  if she stays with me and she is.'


Xavier cut me off after that. I huffed and got of the bed. What if Xavier is right and Melissa does run away. I can't let that happen. I push these thoughts aside and go to wake Melissa up. Its time for the party.

"Mel wake up babe." I  shake Melissa a little. She looks so cute sleeping that it broke my heart to wake her up. She groaned and said in a sleepy voice, "Just give me 5 more minutes Brandon." 

I shook my head and then noticed that she said. Brandon? Who is this Brandon? Is he her boyfriend? Her crush?

I could feel my blood boil. I growled loudly which caused Melissa to snap her eyes open. She first looked me in the eyes and then a second later she was in my arms, hugging me tightly. "Brandon is my brother Mason. He is my little brother." 

This is what she does to me. Anything she says or does or feels control me both physically and emotionally. I wrap my arms around her, feeling myself calm down. Brandon is her brother. I sigh mentally. I pull her closer and put my face in her hair. It smells like strawberries. God, I could hug her forever. 

I hesitantly pull away from her not wanting her far away. "Baby, we need to get ready for the pack party. The pack needs to meet their Luna. Take a shower and the maid will bring your dress and other stuff over . You've got one hour to get ready." I peck her lips once and leave the room before I lose control and take her right there and then. There were tingles running down my whole body. I shake my head to get my control back and go to the other bedroom to get a quick shower.


I was sleeping, when someone tried waking me up. I thought it was Brandon, so I said, "Just give me 5 more minutes, Brandon".  The loud growl near me woke me up with a startle. Everything came back to me instantly. My birthday. Seeing Mason. Him being my mate. Me running away. Mason finding me and forcing me to stay.

I look at Mason and see his eye color flickering between the normal green and black. I knew he was angry because i said Brandon. "Brandon is my brother mason," I say before he loses his control. My words make his stiff body loosen a bit. He wraps his arms around me, which makes me shiver in delight. He puts his face in my he sniffing my hair??? Mason smells like peppermint and the woods. Oh god, now I am sniffing him. What is wrong with me???

Mason pulls away slowly. He told me to get ready for a party and pecked my lips and left the room without looking back. I felt kind of sad that he had to go and even more sad that he didn't even ask me whether I wanted to go to this party or not. I shake my head and force myself to get up. I only have 1 hour to get ready. Even the alpha's mate can't disobey him, I guess.

I went to the bathroom. Showered. Shampooed. Shaved. After about 30 minutes I got out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around my body. I entered Mason's room (I refuse to call it our room) and found a gorgeous short, one shouldered dark blue dress laid on the bed with shiny dark blue high heels. There was a matching pair of black lace bra and panties laid beside the dress. I got dressed in about fifteen minutes then did my make-up and combed my long blonde hair down.

I tiptoe downstairs and find Mason in a tux. He looks really hot. Maybe he should wear a tux all the time.

"You look beautiful Melissa." He came towards me, giving my cheek a peck. I could feel the heat rising in my cheeks. I was blushing. 

"You look good too." I couldn't help but say shyly to Mason. He chuckled, "All for you baby." Mason took a car key off a table and took my hand in the other.  We went outside towards a black Bugatti in front of me. 

The sight makes me scream like a little fan-girl. "Oh my god! THIS IS YOUR CAR?" I squeal and sat in the passengers seat, touching everything my hand could find. 

Mason got in the drivers seat, chuckling. "Its you car too, you know." That reminded of my baby, my hummer. "Hey Mason can I get my car from home? I never got a chance to ride it. please." I make my best puppy dog face. 

"Yeah sure. You know that's the cutest puppy dog face I have ever seen?" he says almost making me faint with his heart eyes. "I know I am the best. I make my family do almost anything with it." We both laugh.



We reach the party after a ten minute ride. I see the girls looking at me with envy and boys with lustful eyes which caused Mason to pull me close to him. I cant't deny the fact that I like him doing that yet hate that I like it.

"Wow she's so pretty." "They look so good together." "She's hot." "She doesn't deserve him." The comments were given freely as me moved deeper into the crowd. The last comment made me angry. I looked in the direction where it came from and  saw a blonde bimbo with fake tan and nails. She was smirking at me. How i wanted to punch that smirk off her face.

My train of thoughts were cut by Mason pulling me close to him and walking towards the stage. He took the mic with me still wrapped in his arm. I didn't want to be in front of so many people, so I squirmed in his arms trying to get off the stage. 

"What's the matter baby?" Mason asked with concern in his eyes. "I have stage fright. I don't like it when people look at me like I killed someone," I said, sweating a little.  Mason bit my lips which caused me loose my pout. "Its okay baby. No one will judge you okay. Everyone here loves you. You're their Luna. Their queen." He kissed the crown of my head and held me tighter. I just nod.  

"Hello everyone. I threw this party today so that you guys could meet the new Luna. Ladies and gentlemen this is Melisa, your new Luna, my mate." Everyone cheered and congratulated Mason and me. 

The party was awesome. My family, Cayden and Cristy were also here. The whole time, Mason didn't let me out of his sight. His gaze followed me everywhere which made it suffocating sometimes. He didn't let me talk to boys that much. He would always come and wrap his arms around me whenever someone of the opposite sex would come and try to talk to their 'Luna'. He didn't even let me talk to Brandon and Cayden, which was completely ridiculous. They are my family. I have known them since I was in nappy. I wonder what his reaction would be if I tell him that Cayden and I used to take baths together as kids.

I came to know that day that Mason is very possessive, which was not good. If he reacted this way it might get out of hand and I might get marked. I had get out of here before he wants to start the mating process.

MY POSSESSIVE ALPHA MATE(EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now