CHAPTER 34- Rocked

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I was sitting on the couch of the living room with the TV on. I was just staring at the TV thinking about my complicated love life. How can i be so stupid to love two guys at the same time, when i know that I'll have to break one's heart eventually? Will it be Nathan? Or will it be Mason? 

Nathan was my childhood love. But he tried to rape me and I still get chills when I think about it. And on the other hand, Mason is my mate, the person who I'm meant to be with. But I'll lose my freedom to him if i be with him. Hell I stopped even believing in love after the things that happened with Nate. But look at me now. In love with two extremely good guys, who deserve love. I feel like a stuck up bitch for leading both of them on.

I was snapped out of my thought by heavy footsteps coming down the staircase behind the couch. i didn't have to turn around to know who it was. I know his smell all to well. Mason came and sat beside me with a gap between us, which was unusual as Mason always cuddles with me or touches me whenever we are near . But now he far away from me like it burnt him to touch me. I felt rejected. Hurt.

"Caleb and Sam are coming to visit you. They want to meet you." He said with an impassive look. It hurt me like hell to know that he was keeping his guard up, not showing his emotions, in front of me. I know that he still loved me, but it felt like he was trying to get rid of the love. I hurt him. I know I hurt him bad.  I could see it in his emerald eyes. There was nothing but pain in them.

I didn't even know that I was crying until I felt Mason rub the tears of my cheeks. And involuntary sob escaped my lips. "I'm so sorry Mason." I sobbed pulling my legs to my chest.  "So sorry.... I'm sorry" i kept on murmuring as I buried my face in my knees. 

I felt the place beside me dip. But i couldn't feel the familiar protective arms of my mate around me. I heard a sigh, then the weight getting off of the couch. I lifted my head to look at Mason walking upstairs. 

He gave up on me. Mason gave up on me. I felt a piece of my heart go away with him. Did I hurt him so much that America's strongest alpha gave up on me? I ruined the meaning of love for him. I watched him until i couldn't see him anymore.


I rubbed my chest as I walked up the stairs. I can't  believe I'm doing this. But, if this is what she wants, then I'll give it to her. If she wants Nathan, than so be it. I know that I'm punishing myslef and Xavier, but if our mate is happy that I'll be happy even though it hurts. 

I'll do it for her. I love her so much that it hurts. I'll do anything to keep her happy and safe. I will let her go, but always keep an eye out for her. To keep her safe and keep myself controlled. I know what will happen if i don't see her. I will be a walking catastrophe. I will go crazy without looking at her, even if its from far away. 

After Sam and Caleb talk to her, I'll let her go. 

I walked towards my room and headed straight to the bed. I haven't slept in days and exhaustion took over my body. I closed my eyes and let sleep take me away. 


I cried until I couldn't cry anymore. My troat was as dry as a desert. I stood up from the couch slowly and walked towards the kitchen. I grabbed  a bottled water from the  freezer and took a long sip from it. After finishing the bottle I threw it in the bin and walked upstairs. I was passing through Mason's door, when i heard a groan of pain coming from his room.

I fought back the urge to knock and decided to turn away. But changed my mind when I heard another groan filled with agony. I grabbed the golden doorknob and twisted it , opening the white door. 

MY POSSESSIVE ALPHA MATE(EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now