CHAPTER 36- The End (part 2)

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Caleb looked at me with sad eyes. "He's fine Mel. Don't worry about him." He gave me a fake smile. I shook my head and said, " You are lying Caleb. I know when you lie. How is he? And I want the truth." I said with tears in my eyes. 

Caleb looked down at his shoes and sighed thinking about what to say. "He's a fucking mess. When he was brought by the guards he was in coma. He just woke up this morning. I thought that he would die. And all he asked when he woke up was how you are. He loves you Mel. But please as a friend I'm asking you to keep away from him. You two don't belong to each other and he sure doesn't need another beating from Alpha Mason." i felt guilt at hearing him. A sob escaped my mouth and tears were streaming down my face freely. 

"I'm sorry." I mumbled while sobbing even harder. I never wanted him to get hurt. I've known him since I was a kid and I would have done something if could. But Mason held me back. Nathan's battered face flashed in my mind making me feel even more guilty. It's all my fault. If only I was never with him, he would've been okay. Its my fault and he got beaten because of me. 

I betrayed Nathan. I mated with Mason and betrayed him. He lost his mate and now he lost me. He'll feel like hell knowing that he lost his love not only once but twice.

I was about to ask him if I could meet him to apologize, when a scream made us snap out head to the direction where everyone went. "Sam" Caleb whispered and started running towards where they were. An uneasy feeling settled on my chest. Something is wrong. I start running after him. 

Caleb opened the door rashly making it slam against the wall and started running towards Sam, who was sitting on the floor with her bleeding biceps grasped in her left hand with Mason trying to stop the bleeding and others standing with pale faces. 

I run towards them, noticing an arrow in the wall where a piece of fabric was stuck. It was Sam's shirt's fabric. " Baby you okay? OMG. Who the fuck did this sweetheart?" He asked trying to keep his temper at bay for Sam's sake. Sam sobbed. "'t know." She said hiccuping between her words. Caleb rubbed her back while examining her bicep. 

I turned to Mason to see him fuming with anger. It was his sister that was hurt, of coarse he was angry. I walked towards him and rubbed his shoulders grabbing his attention. "Mason what happened?" I whisper ask.

Mason looked at me in the eye and said. "We were al inside the room talking when someone shot an arrow from the window. It hit Sam on her bicep. I'm gonna kill whoever did this to her." He whispered back dangerously. 

I rubbed his shoulders and turned around to look at the arrow. I looking at the fabric attached to it when something else caught my eyes. It was something white. i stopped rubbing Mason's shoulders and walked towards the arrow stuck in the wall. 

I looked closely to find a piece of paper attached to it. Taking it off the arrow I unfold it. I read once, twice the panic rising in my body. 

"Guys? "I shout grabbing everyone's attention. I turn to look at them to find them staring at me curiously. "I think you might want to take a look at this." Everyone except for Sam and Caleb came to my side to take a look at what I had. I gave Mason the piece of paper still shocked and scared.


What? Who could have written something so bad? Who could have shot an arrow at Sam? What the...

I was snapped out of my thoughts when Mason grownled and tore the paper in his hands and throwing it on the ground.

He stood still for a second, mind linking the whole pack. The whole pack could hear what he was saying.

MY POSSESSIVE ALPHA MATE(EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now