CHAPTER 6- One step near freedom

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I woke up with my arm still wrapped around Melissa's waist and her on top of me snoring quietly. She looked so beautiful with sun rays falling on her face. but, I had to wake her up for school.I know, its not necessary for her to go to school but if that's what she wants then that's what she'll get.

"Melissa babe? wake up" I shake her a little bit. she shakes her head a little and snuggles into me. "I don't want to mason" she says in a baby voice. it sounded so cute that I wanted to bite her cheeks. C waited for 5 more minutes and tried again. "come on Melissa wake up" she didn't even move this time. I did the only thing that i thought would wake her up. I threw her off the bed. She fell on the floor with a loud 'thud'. "What the hell?" she screams and stands up to look at me. "Did you just throw me off the bed." I nodded with a smirk on my face "it was the only way to wake you up." She scowls at me "that's because you don't know me. All you know is that i'm your mate and nothing. All you have to do is tickle my sides to wake me."  "That's really weird" i laugh. "I get that a lot" she said walking towards the bathroom. 

I went downstairs and started making some pancakes while she showers. I heard the bathroom door open and close. "Melissa breakfast is ready come downstairs" I shout. I hear footsteps coming down. She came down in a white dress that reached her thighs with converses. she sits on a kitchen stool. "I hate mornings" she mutters under her breath. I smile "I can see why. You sleep like a rock." She grabs the plate of pancake from my hand and starts shoving it down her throat. I have never seen a girl like her. How can she be so slim when she eats like that. Its weird and cute at the same time. Whoa I sound so whipped right now.

"Slow down babe or you'll get choked" I say to her trying to control my laugh. She shoves the last piece of pancake. "I eat like that when i'm hungry okay" she says with a pout on her lips. I laugh. I grab her waist and pull her towards me. She's still pouting so I bite her lips. We start kissing. Her lips taste like watermelon. I lick her lips asking for entrance but she denies. I place my hands under her thighs picking her up and trapping her body between me and the wall. She gasps and I take that as a chance to put my tongue in her mouth. Her tongue dance with mine. I was turned on when she moaned  a little and I know that even Melissa knew that because Mason jr. was poking on her inner thigh. We pulled away panting after some time. Melissa was blushing like mad when she saw my boner. She looked away.

She cleared her throat. "I think i should go. I don't want to be late for school" she says while grabbing her book bag and car keys heading outside. I stop her. "Wait Melissa." I grab her arm and spin her around so she's facing me. I hug her tight. "Bye have a good day and don't run because I will find you and some guards will follow your car too so that you don't do anything okay?" She pushes me away and walks out with an annoyed huff. I hear her driving out the gate. I hope that she doesn't run away. And i need a really really cold shower.



After that heated make out session with Mason i decided that it would be better if I go now. So I leaved as soon as possible.

I park my hummer in the school's parking lot. Yeah,Mason brought it back from my home after i asked him. At first he didn't want me to drive. He thought that i would hurt myself. But after a whole day of me giving him the silence treatment he decided to let drive. I saw many of Mason's men surrounding the school. I wanted to rip Mason's throat for this but at the same time felt attracted to him because he cared and was protective of me. Ahhhh!!! these stupid mate attraction stuff.

I enter the school building to be greeted by a bone crunching hug from none other than Cayden and Cristy. "Oh Melissa we missed you so much" "how are you?" "you look so good in that dress" "is mason good in bed?" I was bombarded with questions. "STOP" i shout laughing like a mad person. Cayden and Cristy also join me. "Ask one question at a time guys." i say between laughs. "How are you Mel? We missed you so much" Cristy said giving me another hug. "Well if you call living-with-an anoying-possessive-protective-mate good,  then i'm good" we laugh again getting stares from other students. "Is mason acting nice?" Cayden asked in a serious tone. Here comes the big over protective brother act. "Yeah he's acting cool" i say. "oh oh is he good in bed?" Cristy asks winking at me. "Ewwww. We didn't even have sex yet. And i am also planning on becoming a nun and die virgin" i say as i act like a nun. "Well i planned on that too. But i couldn't resist Cayden's charms." she whispers in my ear while secretly pointing towards Cayden's crotch and mouthing 'its so big'. I laugh once more. 

I suddenly turn serious. "Listen guys i need to discuss something important with you." Both of them were looking at me intensely telling me to go on. "Not now. We will talk during lunch okay?"  "Yeah sure" Cayden says and Cristy nods. We all head to our classes.



The bell rang. It was lunch break now. I walked to the cafeteria and found Cayden and Cristy sitting on our usual seat. They waved at me. "Hey" they said in unison. I sat down. I bet they are confused because i never act serious around them like this. "Okay listen Cayden, Cristy. i need your help" i whisper. "Help in what?" Cristy whispers back. i don't even know why we're whispering. "I need to get out of here" they look at me confused. "You call ditching school an important discussion. come on Mel you know how much we like ditching. We can go out of school today" Cayden says. " I'm not talking about leaving or ditching school. I'm talking about leaving this state or if i'm lucky this country." They look at me and then start laughing. "Very funny Mel. That's a good joke" Cristy says between her laugh. "i almost thought you were serious." Cayden was laughing to.

They stopped when they saw my serious face. "You're not serious, are you?" Cayden asks. "I'm serious guys. Please help me. I don't want a mate. I want to choose the guy I will spend my life with myself. I don't any moon goddess to play matchmaking. i want freedon. Its my life and I choose what will happen in my life." They look at me like i killed someone.

Cayden sighs and says "Mel moon goddess selects a person who suits you perfectly. No one in the world would make you feel as special as you mate can. But if you still want to go away then know that we will always help you no matter how crazy you are" Cayden says while hugging me. Cristy joins in "Yeah he's right. we are always here for you"

After our group hug i tell them my plan about going to a college which will be far away from here. they agree with my plan and said that they will get the applications for me. I hug them once more and head to class.

After school I go home with the guards still following me. All i had in my mind now was that i will get out of here. With Crisy and Caydn's help i am one more step near my freedom.

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