★ Luna

6 1 0

Dear Diary, 

I loved him.


Within split seconds, I had instantly forgotten that I had seen him as Adonis and that he was the one I was supposedly 'in love' with. 

 I can't stop thinking about the inky black eyes, I had not realised that Kaiser hasn't been on my mind ever since I had the dream and had met the mysterious saviour that made my mind scream, sensing familiarity. 

I've been in love with Kaiser for the past five years, how was I able to forget him in milliseconds. I had been happy for Kaiser, for finding himself a girlfriend but weeks before that my heart broke when Kaiser had so much as said hello to another girl. When those words left Kayden's mouth, I expect sadness to hit me full force but it never did. 

Do I know what love is?  

Did I ever truly love Kaiser? 

How did I change so quickly? 

These questions need answers but, only I can answer them but even I myself don't know the answers to these. 

Love Sera.


Seraphina had been dancing in the rain, a small hand holding her equally small hands. They had twisted around in the rain, they were drenched from head to toe but there was a large smile on both of their faces, no distress or regret in their eyes from getting wet. 

They accepted the clear water droplets, mesmerised by the way it dropped they had stopped and stared at the rain. Looking straight ahead they had been looking at Seraphina's house - they could see their mums getting angry by the minute but the two mothers had small smiles on their faces as they had seen their kids play together without a fight breaking out for the second time in forever. 

Seraphina turned to the older boy and smiled, showing off her pearly whites and he had returned it, their happiness was known to them and their family. 

He held out his had as their mothers came closer with an umbrella, rushing towards them, Seraphina placed her hand in his and they ran towards their mothers, hugging the both of them and they were shocked but smiled at each other wit ha knowing look in their eyes and turned to the kids and gave into their bear hugs. Their husbands had come out and helped an umbrella over all of them. the boy looked at her, she looked straight back into his eyes and he said, " Do you love me?" 

Seraphina lurched forward, heart racing and beads of sweat rolled down her face, she laid back down with a thud ad closed her eyes, hoping to get rid of the dream that was taking over her thoughts at six in the morning. 


Vasilis had strolled down the street from his favourite restaurant a place he goes to by himself - his safe haven that he would only share with 'the one' 

"If I find her," He thought cynically, his negativity clouding any optimistic thoughts - scared of love after the well his sister had fallen in and was not able to find her way out as she was in deep. 

His suit was clingy to him and he so badly wanted to remove it there and then but kept it on as public stripping is technically illegal even though he isnt stripping he just distastes that specific suit. 

His hand had been fiddling with his phone, hoping to find something interesting to do as he had to walk home, his mind elsewhere, circling around Stella and wondering what she's up to. Stella had to fly to Japan to finish her course, she had decided to go into modelling and dancing and there she had to be able to create a different dance piece and present it to judges, her passion for dancing didn't come naturally as she told me her mum had forced her into dancing and she couldn't do anything to stop her, she is naturally good at so he was sure that she would get in to the best dance company. 

Shaking his head, he shoved his hands in his pocket and walked up, the stairs of the train station had been empty as the few loitering citizens always use the escalators. He had made it home in one piece and had opened the door, the loneliness hitting him hard. 

He had hated this house since his parents and Gaia had left him, his mind always went back to the good times they had in that house together - his genuine smile lits his face but he could also hear his heart shattering as he realises they could never turn back time or he could never get them back in his life. 

Sad demeanour stayed till he got into his bed, ready to sleep, praying no old family memories reappearing in his dreams.


Vasilis was running around, his eight-year-old- self, was crying his heart out, scared to death. He felt lost without her. 

"LUNA!" Vasilis screamed, hoping he could get to her before someone takes her away from him forever. 

What he didn't know was that these times together were precious as she was going to leave without a warning and he couldn't do anything about it. 

His heart was beating rapidly, his hands were clammy, he felt his throat clog up from holding back his tears that were fighting against his willpower to be released, a dizzy spell put on him made him stumble - he had grabbed onto the tree branch to stabilise himself. 

"Helios," A timid voice called out, his heart hurt to hear the pain and fear in her voice. 

He stood up straight and ran through the leaves, they flew back and hit his back but he didn't care, all he wanted to do was get to Luna. He saw her, lying near a huge willow tree, the little branches swaying in the wind, causing more ripples of wind to surround her. She curled up in a ball and sat there, rocking herself back and forth hoping to arm herself up. 

He reached out to her and wrapped his arms around her, she realised that it was him and wrapped his arms around Vasilis - clinging onto his black t-shirt. She slowly stopped sobbing, only tears fell from time to time, her heartbeat slowed down and returned to a normal rate as she had been found. 

"Luna," He breathed out in relief, holding on tighter to reassure himself that she is safe. 


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