Chapter 8- part 2

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"I think it's time to go to bed you've been crying for too long. You need some rest." a big smile was planted on his Will's face. My act was working, he'd really had fall'n for the old water works. He got up, where the hell was he going?

I needed to stop him! Thinking quickly to make it sound like I was really crying hard, I purposely shoved my finger far down my throat to trigger my gag reflex so it'd sound like I was struggling drone tears.

"Where are you going? you said you were going to stay with me all night?" I said convincingly.

"I am going to stay I'm just going to sleep in that chair over there."

Will tried to make him sound more reassuring, pathetic, I don't care what you're doing just as long as it's because I'm telling you to do it.

"No",I turned my face not looking me straight in the eyes,this always gets them going,"can yo-you stay in bed with me for a while I suppose......hold me till I fall asleep. Please."

That wasn't a question it was a command. A command he followed with no hesitation. I could tell his shirt was still damp from the rain water and fake tears maybe it was my chance to change clothes.Oh my god! What the hell was he doing, why is he taking off his shirt I know when someone asks you to sleep with them some people get the wrong impression of 'sleep' but I thought it was clear? Curse these girly thoughts he had a nice body...for a kid, just not really my fancy but I should blush so he doesn't feel offended I guess, pft whatever, ok that's a lie I'm going to blush because this was a very interesting sight I'm such a girl.

"I don't have any pajamas and my shirt is wet!" He interrupted my thoughts thank goodness, he also puked up his words quickly. Ha, he was trying to seem like less of the perve I know he is.

"Don't worry I think I have something for you to wear..." I said thinking of some pants my brother left in the bathroom before he left. I ran out of the room, got to the bathroom and found the pants nicely folded. I was in the bathroom might as well take a 5min shower right. It took me 2mins to dress, bras are so complicated? I took little time to brush out my tangled hair and put it into a pony tail. There were black pj shorts and my favorite pajama shirt, I called it big gray the thing went down yet above me knees. Almost forgetting what I was doing I sprinted out of the bathroom and ran to my room. Now that I think about it I have a bathroom in my room I could have given him the pants and took my time in the shower in my own room! When I came back Will was just starring at me, observing me like he usually did but this time it felt weird. Was this shirt too short? Whi did that even matter I had shorts on under, if he wanted to be a creep then fine just don't stare like that tilting your head!

"Oh are those clothes for me?" His voice was shaking, ha ha teenage boy hormones react to anything these days I her, shoulders, arms and knees.

"Yes, I couldn't find you any shirts that were clean but I have some sweatpants, is that okay?" That breeze in the room felt nice after that hot shower. Will took the sweats and put them on while I climbed into bed. Then he came in after I got in, he faced his back towards me. I really hate that, If you're going to sleep in my bed you must face me, with out a grip of hesitation I grabbed his shoulder and turned him around to face me. Knowing he would contradict I buried my face in his chest, as a back up tactic and insurance I slightly nuzzled it too.If I keep this up sooner or later he's just going to cuddle his way in to my dagger. That breeze from earlier was no feeling nice right now. I shivered from the cold, it was the middle of the night my hair was still wet I'm sharing a bed with a guy I'm going to murder and he is still a walking flesh bag of heat? Why was he so warm my blood would turn him to ash but I'm still cold? He pulled me in closer to him giving me warmth. That was once thing that wasn't a dawn fall, he kept me warm and was soft. On the other hand he was sniffing my hair gently which was really awkward. How do you sleep when every few seconds you hear: Breath ,breath,SNIFF,breath SNIFFSNIFFSNIFF. At least now he was falling asleep so the sniffing could stop. Ugh this guy really knows how to sweat? My face his stuck to his chest, he better hope I don't break out form his disgusting, puberty awkward, cracked voice sweat! A few minutes had pass and he's fallen asleep now it was my turn.

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