Chapter-10 [EDIT]

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The window wasn't allowed down in the car. It was a bothersome sound that came out of the ac. Whoosh . I took out my phone and played something from my playlist. It was a song that I recently found it was called "Go'in down" by the Pretty Reckless and it reminded me of Will. I played every so often when I wanted to be amused. I didn't feel like listening to the song after two seconds of the intro and played some classical music. It was all I really ever wanted to truly listen to. However, I'd learn of other artist and bands to blend in more. My volume was turned all the way up. The trees swayed beautifully against the wind, my murderous mind took away the comfort for a time being. Will was once all that was on my mind when I first met him all I wanted was a bit if fun in my life. Now that I'm here enjoying the scenery I miss the simple old days when I stayed at home all the time and the staff and security were my accompanied statues. Only to stand there until I call upon them.

"Madam, we have arrived at the port."

The door opened and the brightness of the sun grazed me. Practically burning my eyes.

'Damn it.' I thought.

Someone's hand lead me to the port. Security shielded me in a circle formation. It was like being a bird with its head in the foxes mouth. Simon was my fox, I shouldn't even bother to try and free myself he is my future, he is my past and will be there in my life beyond this one. You can't get away from him, he was too cunning and made all his moves before the chessboard was even set up. Soon in fear my vision became dark, all these faces that appeared in the crack of space the body guards didn't fill, every thing felt so slow and frozen. I could devour all of these people with one little blow. I could devour Will and put him out of this misery filled cavern.

"Anastasia." Simon said with his usual warm tone. His eyes were still cold like the night before. He looked like he'd been working out last night. To be stronger. Stronger for something that will soon terrify me and make me cry.

"Simon, you are to be leaving."

"Yes, I know. I am happy you are here to see me off."

The council was here watching us. Making sure I was to act as expected of and he was to be sure to never cause a panic like he did when threw his jeep at the school. None of them cared for my safety, none of them cared that I couldn't trust Simon anymore. They only cared that we didn't get caught being demons and didn't have to pay fines. This is what she meant by being alone in this world. It will never matter who your friends are you can't tell them anything, it won't matter if he abuses you council will dismiss it as long as they don't have to pay someone off, your metal health means nothing. For the strongest are always at their weakest point when they come home. Anastasia didn't even leave her home and went mad. She ended up dying a unworldly death. She drowned herself and the days went by, no one remembered her name. I don't want that kind of life.

Simon kissed me and embraced me.

"This is how it should be, don't you ever defy me again. Next time I won't let him live and I won't let you get away with being the whore you are. Council won't care if I punish you next time, they only did this because you told. Tell again, I'll rip out his heart out and feed it to you. Your little pet doesn't mean a thing to anyone." he whispered this in my ear.

A tear streamed down my face. I was going to marry this monster, and he is using Will to threaten me? I know I'm trying to kill him for the fun of it but when Simon said that, it was kind of amusing. I was going to give Will a slow and painfully delightful death. I'd take it so far is to stab his corpse till it turned to ash. Simon was just going to make it quick and rip his heart out, this was all too funny.

"No..." the word escaped my lips by accident, but it wasn't for Will it was for myself.

"Did I strike a nerve." he grabbed his luggage and boarded the plane. I wished for it to crash on his way there. Thinking of the life I've been forced in to was too much. I refused to let him control me. No matter what I wanted to fight.

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