Chapter 6

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Waiting. I'm waiting for Simon to come and pick me up from school, it took some time to get from his college to here but it started to pour. I always loved the rain, it was graceful and elegant. I loved how it poured out from the havens with their benevolent touched our foolish earth. I always thought that rain had the souls of our past lives in them. Our ancestors traveled in them, rain has been in every paradox space crack of every time. I just stood there amongst it and let the water droplets fall on my skin. I love how it sort of stung me but I didn't let that bother me. Lifting my head back and letting the water soak up on me before it started to steam up. Royal Wayback blood boils very hot, it's equal to melting gold and pouring it on someone's head. Most people like to drink Wayback blood as a symbol of those who had to be conquered to require it. The rain felt good I wasn't getting wet by it but I didn't care. Will came out to see what crazy stunt I was trying to pull.

"It's raining you're going to get sick." he said behind me.

I chuckled" I'm fine I want the rain to Grace my skin with all of its infinity."

"You're so odd. Why do you want to be soaked?"

"So heaven can touch a a demons soul..."

"You are no demon."

"How can you be so sure?"

"Because you're beautiful that's why."

"All demons have a pretty face, it's their actions that make them so dark."

Once I turned around he was almost inches from my face. Will leaned in closer and closer, I accepted his challenge and did the same. Before I could even blink he was centimeters from my face.

He looked so frustrated? I've no idea why, could it be that he has sensed my intentions of murder. No, he was far to vapid to know that so quickly. An idea struck my head, since he is distracted I can maybe pull the pencil out of my pocket and stab him in the neck.

"I-I......I think that I'm in-" Will was cut off by the honking sound of Simons jeep.

"I have to go. See you tomorrow." I tell him pissed off, that could've been a done deal! I could've killed him right there if it weren't for Simon. I got in to the jeep and Simon didn't really seem like himself. Simon seemed angry and I didn't know why? Simon slammed on the breaks pulling the car over on the side of the road.

"What was that? I get it that you don't love me as much as I do you but I thought you were warming up to me!" He said in a shaken voice.

"Simon what are you talking abo-" I was cut off by him the look of anger in his eyes.

"Don't play dumb me of all people I know, you're not dumb. I'll say it again. What was that, why were you and that guy so close to each other, what is your relationship with him?"

"Calm down Simon he's only a close friend of mine. You're acting like he was going to kiss me?"

"Was he! Was that what you two weren't doing cause I swear it looked like you were! You belong to me Anastasia, me, not him he doesn't have the right to touch you you're mine!" he says so angrily.

"I'm not yours for the taking Simon. I was never yours to begin with in the first place. I'll never belong to y-"

Simon cuts me off my slamming me agains the car door......I screamed when he did it.

I don't think I've been so confused by his actions before. I could tell his rage wasn't something to play with but I couldn't help it he had his hand in the air ready to back hand me.

"Do it" I said "do it I beg you this will not be you're last time in doing so I can tell, after you hit me today every other day will be the same cheek. So just do it."

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