1. First Day of Senior Year

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It was the night before the first day of senior year. To say I was nervous was an understatement. For one, it was the last year before I went off on my own, and I did not know what I wanted to do with my life yet. Considering the fact that I changed the career I wanted to pursue at least five times a day, and it varies from wanting to be a baker, to a veterinarian. Those werre the thoughts that are going through my head as I ran around Walmart, trying to get last minute school supplies.

I looked down at the crumpled list in my hand. Pencils? Check. Notebooks? Check. I ran my eyes down the list trying to figure out what else I needed. I was standing in the middle of the office supplies isle, looking like an idiot because I was staring at that stupid list forever.

"Graphing calculator!" I said out loud. I consciously look around me and notice a middle aged woman looking at me as if I was crazy. Maybe I was. I should have had all my supplies a week ago but I was procrastinating because I didn't want tomorrow to come.

I walked to the other isle, looking for a graphing calculator. Once I located it, my eyes bulged out of my head. "100 freaking dollars?! Who spends that much on a fricken calculator?" I glared at the calculator before I turned the cart around to head towards the check out. "Nope. Nah uh. Not paying that kind of money on a dang calculator. I can use that money to buy myself 100 packs of gum."

Once at the checkout, I grabbed myself 5 packs of gum, which should last me the week. When all my supplies were in the cart, I sprinted out the door. I practically threw all the bags into the trunk of my mom's car.

"Sorry it took so long." I said to my mom as I got into the passenger seat. My mom stayed in the car because she hated Walmart, especially at night. She claimed that this was the time when all the creepers came out.

She started the car and backed out of the parking spot. "I'm just glad you came out of there in one piece." She said.

I turned on the heated seats since it was starting to get colder out, the summer weather coming to an end. "I was going to get a calculator, but it was 100 freaking dollars." I exclaimed. My mom laughed at me.

"Honey, stop being so stingy with your money," she said as she shook her head at me. She's right though, I hated spending too much money on anything. Even though I had enough from my job, which payed pretty well.

"I know I know," I said as I placed my head against the cold glass window. I checked the time on my phone and it read 9:45 p.m. I yawned. I was already tired and school hadn't even started yet.

Next thing I knew I was awoken from the trunk being slammed shut. Did I really fall asleep within 15 minutes? I asked myself in my head. I got out of the car, walking like a zombie into the house.

"Night mom," I yelled as I grabbed the bags from the mudroom to bring to my room upstairs.

"Goodnight!" My mom yelled from the living room.

I trudged upstairs and threw the bags on my carpeted floor. I sat on my floor to prepare my bag for tomorrow. I always got ready the night before school so I didn't have to rush around in the morning. I decide to call Ellie, my best friend.

"Hey! Are you excited for tomorrow? I sure am!" Ellie answered cheerfully on the second ring. I had to pull the phone away from ear because she was so loud.

I groaned in response. I heard some rustling in the background. Probably Ellie picking up her pigsty of a room. Unlike me, Ellie wasn't organized in the slightest bit.

"Awe c'mon! Last year of high school," she said. The thought of school made me want to throw up. All summer I was doing work to prepare for this year. So pretty much I was doing homework before school even started.

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