8. Boyfriend

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It was Monday, meaning school. It was that point in the year where I didn't want to do anything but sleep. Being overly exhausted balancing school work, and a job. It seriously wore down my energy.

Walking into school with Ellie beside me, I felt like I was going to pass out, just by walking. When I had gotten home last night, I couldn't fall asleep. The main reason was that I couldn't get the event that happened out of my head. Just Lucas and I, in the dark, peacefully watching the fireflies. It felt as if we had gotten closer, just by that little scenario. It sort of made me feel good that he wanted to show me a "secret" of his.

My thoughts are suddenly shut off when I see Isaac walking towards us in the hall. When he approaches us, he grabs Ellie, mushing his face with hers in a very heated kiss. Quickly pushing him away, Ellie glared at him.

"What was that for?" She asked sternly. Isaac didn't really do public affection. They would usually go to a secluded area and do god knows what.

Isaac looked around him, staring down at all the guys. "You're mine. No one else's," He says possessively. Ellie just rolled her eyes.

"That was uncalled for," she said seriously. I was awkwardly standing there, watching them. Whenever they had some sort of tension between them, I wanted to run away as far as possible. It always made me feel bad for Ellie, since she was with such a worthless guy.

"I see the way all the guys stare at you," Isaac said like he was some jealous boyfriend. All he was doing was catching unwanted attention.

"Whatever," Ellie said before he stepped out around him. "Cmon Malia." I followed her down the hallway to her locker. I was grateful that she walked away, instead of taking his crap.

"What was that all about?" I asked her, once we were out of Isaac's sight.

"I have no idea," she started off with. "Ever since he found me at the coffee shop, he has been clingy. I think maybe he caught me checking out Liam. Yet, he checks out girls all the time whenever we are out." Finally! I said in my head. She was finally starting to see how much of a dimwad Isaac was.

"I mean, you are kind of obvious when checking out Liam," I said laughing. She joined in as well.

"I can't help it!" She said gleefully.

"Why don't you just break up with Isaac, then go after Liam," I said, meaning it.

"I couldn't imagine my life without Isaac. Besides, Liam is WAY out of my league," she said with a disappointed look on her face. I rolled my eyes at her saying that she couldn't imagine her life without Isaac. She said that every time I said that she should dump him.

Feeling my phone buzz in my pocket, I opened the message to find that it was from Isaac. What could he want? The message read:

Be prepared. I'm coming over after school so we can finish the project.

Oh. Joyous.

Thankfully, the bell rang, dismissing us to first period. Ellie and I made our way to AP US History. Today was the only day that I wanted to go by slow, just so I didn't have to be alone with Isaac, again, after school. Definitely going to be another 2 or so hours wasted. The thought caused me to groan out loud.

Once my morning classes were done, it was lunch. My stomach grumbled so loud, it sounded like a dying whale. In the cafeteria, I found Ellie, along with Isaac, and Joe. I sighed. I have managed to avoid Joe for 2 weeks, and now I had to face him. Taking a deep breath, I started towards the round lunch table.

"Hey," I said once I approached. Taking a seat, I grabbed a turkey sandwich from my bag. I had always brought my own lunch, since the school lunch was gross. Plus, I didn't have to wait in the never ending line.

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