10. Friendship

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I stood, staring at my reflection in my body length mirror. Today Ellie and I were hanging out for the first time since the Isaac incident, which meant telling about it. Both of us had been busy with school and work that we only saw each other in the morning when she picked me up, and at school.

I was wearing a light pink sweater, paired with light wash jeans, and a pair of light brown booties. Since I could feel the winter weather coming right around the corner, it was time to break out all my thick sweaters, along with my cute boots. More than half of my wardrobe was made for the colder weather. 

Putting my hair into a low bun, adding a little mascara, I grabbed my phone to check the time. 11:30. Ellie would be here any minute and I was getting nervous. 

"Who can do this," I said aloud to myself to help calm down my nerves. Pacing around my room, a horn finally sounded outside. I let out a breath that I was holding before heading down the stairs. 

Outside, I saw Ellie parked in my driveway, waving and smiling like a lunatic. She always got excited whenever we went to do something together. I couldn't help but smile back. 

I slipped into the front seat, my nerves getting the best of me. I had no idea how I was going to tell her what Isaac did. Was it even that big of a deal? Was I making it a bigger deal than what it actually was?

"Are you okay?" Ellie asked concernedly as I buckled my seat. 

"Mhmm," I answered. I could feel Ellie give me a suspicious look before she finally pulled out of the driveway. 

"I know what will help," Ellie said as she put in a CD. After a few minutes of listening to the CD spin in the disc slot, Rick Astley's voice boomed throughout the car. 

My nerves quickly dissolved as Ellie and I belched out the lyrics to Never Gonna Give You Up. I laughed as Ellie danced in her seat, while I bobbed my head to the catchy rhythm. 

As the song ended, I felt a little better. The rest of the car ride consisted of Ellie complaining about how she was failing her English class and how the teacher didn't know how to answer. 

I partially listened as all the possibilities rolled around in my head. What if she thinks I'm lying? Or what if she ends up hating me? 

Before either of those could've been answered, Ellie pulls into the mall parking lot. Unbuckling our seat belts, we both get out of the car. Ellie locks it before me links her arm with mine. 

An older man holds the door open for us to the main entrance. "Thank you," we both said in unison. The older man smiled before turning around to cross the street. 

"He was so cute!" Ellie cooed. "I love old people." 

"I need coffee," I said as I pulled Ellie's arm to the Dunkin Donuts that was located in the food court. 

I ordered my coffee along with a strawberry frosted donut. I couldn't go to Dunkins without getting a donut. Ellie ordered as well. 

As we waited, I started to get fidgety with my hands, causing me to play with the hem of my shirt. Ellie watched me, before placing a hand over my hands to help calm my nerves. 

"Are you sure you're okay?" She asked said worryingly. I nodded, before my coffee order was called. 

I took a large sip, trying to avoid blurting everything out to Ellie all at once. It felt as if the guilt was eating me alive. I have faced her for 2 weeks now without mentioning anything to her. 

"Ellie," I started off, avoiding eye contact. Instead, focusing on the ice that was slowly melting in my ice coffee. "Can I tell you something?" My voice sounded nervous, and I had a feeling she could sense my anxiety. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2018 ⏰

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