5. Math is Hard

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"Ughh!" I yelled out loud, as I threw my textbook across the room. "Why is math so hard?!" I was currently sitting on my bedroom floor, trying to do math, but for some reason it was impossible. To begin with, math wasn't my strong suit, and adding in letters, exponents, and fractions wasn't helping any. "Who even needs this crap anyways?! Because I sure as heck don't!"

I put my head in between my knees, trying to relieve the ever-growing headache. I had been trying to work on 1 problem for the past 10 minutes. My head was throbbing, I could feel the blood pumping behind my ears. When I got headaches, I got them pretty bad. Considering by head felt like it was going to split in half. Slowly lifting my head, I look at the clock that was hanging on the wall. 7:58 p.m. Thank gosh it was Friday.

I decided to take a break from homework, since it was just making me frustrated. I walked into the bathroom to get ibuprofen to try and get rid of my headache. When I opened the cabinet, I realized that there was no more ibuprofen. "Ughh" I said, slamming the cabinet door closed. This was going to be a long night.

I decided to go downstairs to make myself something to eat. Food would probably help. Food would solve almost anyone's problems. I opened the stainless steel fridge, finding that there was absolutely nothing to eat. I swore I had left over pizza from the night before. Knowing who the culprit was, I angrily walked to the bottom of the stairs.

"Jackson! Did you eat my pizza?!" I yelled up to him.

I heard his bedroom door open and he popped his head out. "Yes. Yes I did, and it sure was delicious," he said tauntingly. Licking his lips, he started to rub his stomach, making a "mmm" noise.

"You little-" I yelled as I ran up the stairs. Jackson was quick, though and slammed his door, locking it so I couldn't get in. "I hate you! And you owe me a pizza!" I banged on his door, but he was, of course, ignoring me with his loud, crappy rap music.

I trudged back down the stairs to make myself some toast. I was really looking forward to having some cold pizza, but my dimwad of a brother had to go and eat it. This is why I couldn't have nice things, because of people like him.

As I munched on my dry, not so yummy toast, scrolling through Instagram, I got a message from Lucas saying:

Want to go and do something?

I replied with:

I'm not really in the mood. Have a huge headache and my brother ate my pizza, so I'm stuck with plain, old toast. :P

Lucas replied within seconds:

Aww that sucks. Maybe another time. :)

I left the last message on read. I didn't really feel like talking to anyone, even Lucas. Ever since that night we went out to Chinese food a couple days ago, Lucas and I have been texting non-stop. I had yet told Ellie about my friend Lucas. Were we even friends? I mean he came by the coffee shop everyday and we texted. Sort of friends? Let's go with that.

I headed over to the sink, making sure to wash my plate. If I didn't do the dishes, my mom would flip out. She hated having a "messy" house, even though she was barely home. Plus, our house was spotless since both Jackson and I stayed in our rooms when we were home.

After washing my dish, I went into the living room to try and find something to watch on t.v. I needed to catch up on episodes of The Walking Dead, but I had been binge watching another show, The Vampire Diaries. When the t.v. turned on, my headache amplified 100x. I quickly shut it off. Well there went me enjoying a nice episode of zombie guts.

"What can I do?" I asked myself, aloud. I could have gone to clean my room, but I was too lazy.

I couldn't come up with anything else, so I decided to just go to bed, even if it was 8 at night. This headache wasn't going away anytime soon, so maybe sleep would solve my problem.

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