9. Georgetown

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Tossing and turning in my bed, I turned on my lamp beside my bed. I couldn't sleep for the life of me, which was kind of odd. Usually, I went to bed at a reasonable hour, which tonight was 10:00 sharp. For some reason though, tonight I could not fall asleep, and most of the time, I feel asleep before you could even say the word avocado. No lie.

Sitting up in bed, I rubbed my eyes so that they could adjust to the dim light from my lamp. Pushing the button on my phone to see the time, which was 12:36 a.m. Great. I hadn't even been asleep for 3 hours, but here I was, sitting up in bed, wide awake.

I pushed the covers aside, the cold air hitting my body, causing goosebumps to travel all the way to my toes, causing me to shiver slightly. Wrapping a fuzzy blanket around myself, I opened my bedroom door with a slight creak, and made my way down the stairs. Walking on the tiled floor of the kitchen made my feet go numb from the coldness.

Grabbing a glass from the top shelf of the cupboard, I poured myself a glass of water. I didn't realize how thirsty I was until I guzzled down 2 glasses. Leaning against the counter, I got lost in my thoughts.

It was a Wednesday night, or should I say morning, meaning it had been a week since Isaac had forced me to make out with him. Every time I saw him and Ellie together, I felt guilt wash over me. I still haven't told Ellie, but I do plan on it. It doesn't necessarily come up in a conversation.

Like "Hey! How are you? Oh by the way, your boyfriend pretty much cheated on you by coming onto me! Anyways, how was that math test?"

That was not how it worked out. It still made me feel sick to my stomach to think about it, and whenever Isaac saw me in the hall, he mouth "whore". Which didn't really bother me all that much because I knew that he was the one at fault, and not me. It was just the fact that he did it, even though he knew I am best friends with his girlfriend. And he may or may not have just ruined our friendship. I would just have to see when I tell her.

All these thoughts rolling around in my head were causing a slight headache. On the bright side of things, though, Joe and I had been talking at lunch, and we plan on hanging out sometime soon.

The next thing I knew, I What Makes You Beautiful by One Direction start blaring from upstairs. The sound echoed throughout the quiet house, almost giving me a heart attack. Quickly but quietly, I ran up the stairs on my tiptoes, trying not to make too much noise.

At the top of the stairs, I heard my brother's door open. Too late. "What's that noise?" Jackson asked while he rubbed his eyes. His hair was all over the place.

"Nothing," I whispered. "Go back to bed." I pushed him back into his room, closing it gently. The noise.

Walking into my room, the horrifying noise started up again. I mean, I liked One Direction and all, but not at almost 1 o'clock in the morning, blaring, while everyone was trying to sleep. Looking around the room to quickly search for the source, finding it to be my phone.

Running over to it, I answered without checking to see who was calling. "Hello?" I whispered.

"Hi!" A very happy voice said. Who is this joyful at this time in the morning? Definitely not me.

"Who is this?" I asked, trying to decipher who is was.

"Lucas," Lucas said not as cheerfully. He sounded like he just woke up, but then again, his voice was always sounded somewhat raspy.

"Why are you calling me at this time?" I asked him as I crawled back into my warm bed.

"Because," he started off with. "I'm coming to your house and we are going to Georgetown!" He sounded way to happy.

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