5 mos.|28 days

113 9 0


I woke up just before the sun started to rise. It's still dark and my mind is still not a hundred percent aware of my surroundings, let alone the position I was in. I felt very comfortable despite having to sleep in a shelter made of leaves and branches, making me wonder where did I get a warm pillow to lie on.

Except, it wasn't a pillow.

Squinting my eyes to somehow adjust to the darkness, I figured out that it was actually a body that I was lying on top of – Barry. Gasping as I moved away from him, I racked my brain, trying to remember how we ended up in that position when moments ago before we sleep, we tried to act so indifferently around each other.

Ever since that spider incident, he kept on looking at me when he thought I wasn't looking. That faraway look that I knew meant something but in my hopes of not going against my promise to my soon-to-be husband, I knew I needed to keep whatever relationship we have in a professional level.

Somehow, the moments of how we ended up so close flashed back on my mind and it only made me want to stand by my decision to stay away from him all the more now because I knew that if there's someone who could bring me to my downfall, it's him.

And I despised myself more for admitting it.

I wouldn't have come to that realization when events of last night didn't happen. It was one of those rare nights when I would wake up screaming from a nightmare. At one point, I felt like I have overcome those nights and the pain of loss and misery has been long forgotten but who am I kidding when I still miss my dad every waking moment?

It wasn't long before Barry is hugging me tight, whispering comforting words into my ear and in an instant, I'm calming down. It's like my own body still knows it's him, like the feeling of him just being beside me is all what it needed to feel safe and even if I want to deny it, I just can't – not when I, myself, has been clinging to him like he's life itself.

And deep down, that small voice inside my head keeps on telling me something and I'm so scared of how true it sounded.

No one could ever make me feel that safe, that secured, that...loved.

Not even Ronnie.


I woke up alone in our shelter, eyes frantically searching for Caitlin and her whereabouts. I'm somehow disappointed to wake up alone by I can't help the smile still lingering on my face. Memories of last night are still so fresh to me, assuring me that maybe even time and distance won't be enough to change what me and Caitlin had before. It sparks the hope up in my heart, wishing that even when I know she and I are far from getting to where we used to be, I can still be in her life as a friend.

After having a quick breakfast, I made my way to the shoreline, hoping to find her there. I smiled more when I found her sitting near the rocks, busying herself with something I couldn't quite make out since she's facing away from me.

I jogged to where she is, calling her name so she wouldn't be startled.

"Good morning, Cait! What are you doing here? You weren't there when I woke up so-"

She cut me off with a, "Morning, Mr. Allen. I can see you're awake now. Just in time for the implementation of my rules."

She didn't even meet my eyes as she stood and walked pass me, holding a banana leaf in one hand and a sharp stick in the other. I confusedly followed her, asking myself if I heard her right, rules? What did she mean by that?

My questions were soon answered when she sat down on the wooden log that we put near the bonfire yesterday and I, on the other hand, took the one opposite from it.

"Have you eaten? There are still leftover fruits from yesterday if you want-"

Once again, I was cut off by that same name she used earlier to address me.

"With all due respect, Mr. Allen. I think you need to read my conditions first before you keep on talking to me like that. Here, I wrote it down so you wouldn't forget." She handed me the banana leaf and there I saw the 'rules' she wrote down. Guess she wasn't kidding after all.

I read them one by one and my brows furrow even more when I started reading from one to five.

1. Only talk to each other when deemed necessary.

2. Any physical contact is strictly prohibited – the involved parties should be at least 2 meters away from each other when they happen to be in one place.

3. Any interaction made should only be in a casual/professional level.

4. As aforementioned above, keep everything in a professional level. Thus, never call me anything other than Dr. Snow or simply Caitlin.

5. Never bring up the past. EVER.

My face is a picture of utter confusion and disappointment. Just when I thought I had the slightest chance to ask for forgiveness and try to be her friend, she comes and closes herself off again.

"Cait, what is this? This is completely unnecessary!" I said out of sheer frustration.

For the first time that morning, she looked at me with those eyes that once held nothing but love and adoration for me. But now they hold nothing but coldness and apathy.

"Haven't you just read the rules? You're already breaking rules 1, 3 and especially 4. I meant it when I say that I would be implementing them." She held her ground as he did his, clearly no one's backing down that easily.

He just looked at her for a moment, a silent conversation happening between them. He didn't need actual words to understand her, didn't need an explanation when he can perfectly understand her just by the look in her eyes.

He knew Caitlin is closing herself off again for an important reason, something he knew he didn't have the right of knowing. But if there's one thing he sure does know, it's that he won't ever miss his chance again. He won't let her get away this time when he had every means to try and prove to her that he won't ever do the same mistake twice.

So, doing the only thing he knew that could hopefully get her to let him in again, he let himself be the man that she once fell in love with.

"Okay, simply Caitlin." He smirked at her when he noticed the visible twitch on her eyebrows but made no sign of correcting him. "I will abide by your rules."

He extended a hand toward hers, prompting her to take it and seal the deal. She looked at him carefully, searching his face for any sign of deceit as he shook his hand. She knew she would've followed her gut first before doing so because what he did next is something she knew would make her regret ever agreeing with him.

"I will abide by your rules only if you follow mine." His hand is still gripping hers before giving it a frim shake signaling that they had both agreed to this.

"What? That's unfair!" She exclaimed, reclaiming her hand from his.

"How is that unfair, simply Caitlin? You have rules, I have mine. I guess it's just fair that we both have a fair share in what goes around here."

She gave an exasperated sigh knowing he was right. She narrowed her eyes at him and asked. "Alright, fine. What's your rule?"

He smiled at her, that mischievous twinkle in his eyes is something she's very wary of.

"I only have one rule."

"Go on."

"If you ever break one of your rules intentionally or unintentionally, then that rule would no longer be effective and therefore, nullified." He stated. "So, when do you want to implement these rules then, Dr. Snow?"

She thought about it for awhile, weighing her options when she knew she doesn't even have one in the first place. But she knew what she has to do – she just have to have faith in herself that she can do this and never will she let herself fall for his tricks again (because she's sure he's had one too many up his sleeves as they spoke), not in this island and not ever in her life.

"Effective immediately, Mr. Allen."

"As you wish, Dr. Snow."

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