5 mos.|21 days

86 8 0


It has been a week since I implemented my rules and Barry agreed to abide by it in exchange for his own condition as part of the deal. Surprisingly, he did a great job in sticking to my terms and never did he try anything funny to make me break any of them like I initially thought.

I know he has some underlying intention for coming up with that one contradicting proposition that's why I've been on guard for any scheme he might try on me. Everyday, I just noticed that he goes to the shoreline first thing in the morning then spend all his afternoon in the forest but other than that, it seemed like he isn't planning on something against me.

I've been on edge since we sealed the deal but it's been a week and he hasn't done anything other than ignore me as per my request which should be a good thing so why do I feel like I'm losing my mind if we continue on going on like this?

The logical part of me tells me that it's just natural for people who got stranded in an island to depend on each other's presence to stay sane but the other part of me tells me something entirely different. I know I was the one who came up with this idea in my own attempt to keep my dignity so why does it feel I have to trade it for my own sanity?

Sighing, I spent some more minutes in admiring the sunset while I counted another day's end. When it's almost dark, I went on my way back to our spot to eat and get ready to sleep. As usual, Barry had decided to turn in for the night without waiting for me and that thought shouldn't bother me more than it does.

But it did.

Entering our shelter, I made my way to my side of the makeshift tent. Barry's already asleeep, facing away from me as I fought the urge to turn him towards me just so I could see his face.

I've been dealing with too much emotions all at once and when I thought that eliminating any contact with Barry would somehow help me get through some of them, I'm clearly mistaken. Because here I am, conflicted and frustrated way more than I let myself be.

Hoping for a better tomorrow, I decided to sleep all these feelings away when in the middle of my slumber, I was shaken awake when I heard something outside the tent.

At first, I just ignored it, hoping that my mind is just playing tricks on me. But when the scratching or was it scraping intensified, I immediately sat up, wishing that Barry would be doing the same but unfortunately, he's still soundly sleeping on his side.

Hearing another indescribable sound, I jumped a little, my instincts telling me to wake Barry up but something held me back - my damn rules. Groaning in frustration, I reached for the flashlight we kept inside the shelter, gathering all the courage I have to check if something was really out there.

I slowly made my way to the makeshift door of the shelter with a flashlight and a long branch in hand. I carefully peeked through the dried leaves, relying on my hearing to pick something up. When I was faced by an eery silence, I turned on the flashlight, only to scream a moment later when I saw some weird footprints accompanied by an undistinguished sound coming at me.

"Barry! Barry, wake up!"

I literally threw myself at him, not caring about my damn rules as I shook him awake. It didn't take long before he was waking up with a jolt, arms instantly wrapping around me protectively.

"Cait, what happened? Are you alright?" He asked upon seeing the distress in my features.

"I-I...I think th-there's something outside our tent." I positioned myself behind him as I pointed a finger towards the entrance of our shelter.

"I'll go check it out."

I nodded at him as he took the flashlight and the branch from me. He was almost out when I called out to him, "Barry?"

He turned around, "Yeah?"

"Just...be careful."

"I will."

After a few minutes, I was starting to get worried, thinking that something might have happened to Barry. But just as that thought came, he entered the tent unharmed and I was weak to stop myself from hugging him tightly.

Before he could react, I pulled away and asked, "Are you okay? Did you see something?"

"No. There's nothing in there, Cait. Don't worry."

"Oh, thank goodness. I thought I saw some weird footprints in there earlier."

"I told you, there's nothing in there. You must've imagined things." He grinned before flopping down on his blanket and continued, "Knowing you have a tendency to be such a-"

Cutting him off, I rolled my eyes for I knew exactly what he was going to say, "Scaredy Cait, I know. You used to - oh, crap!"

"What is it?" He asked worriedly.

I sighed deeply, knowing I had broken all the rules I made. I know I could just brush it off for it seems like Barry hadn't catch up on what I just realized by then I thought, what's the point anymore?

"I may have broken all the rules I made because of what happened tonight."

His face instantly brightened up. "You just did, didn't you? But you could've just bailed yourself out. It's not like I figured it out myself."

"I know but I think it's time I abolish them anyways."

I went to my side as I faced him, tucking myself on the sole blanket we shared.

"What do you mean?" He mused.

I sighed, running a hand through my hair as I spoke, "I've been thinking and I must admit that implementing those rules was a mistake. We've been stranded in this island, just the two of us and I guess you were right when you said that we needed to stick together to survive."

I watched as his eyes twinkled in triumph so I straightened myself up to somehow redeem myself, "Scientifically speaking of course."

He just smiled at me, tucking himself in the blanket as we sat face to face.

"But can I still call you, simply Caitlin? I enjoyed that part of your rule honestly."

"Ugh, you're insufferable Barry." I rolled my eyes at him before laying down to sleep. I watched as he did the same, laying on his side of the ground.

"Good night, simply Caitlin."

He teased but I found that gesture all the more endearing.

"Good night, Barry."

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