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My alarm has been going off for about two minutes now, but I was too tired to walk across the room to shut it off. I rolled around in my bed that seemed to be swallowing me trying to ignore the infernal beeping and constant vibration my phone was making on my dresser.

"Hello, are you going to wake up sleepy head? It's almost four in the afternoon!"

I let out an annoyed groan and dragged myself out of bed. My head was pounding from the night before and my mouth was dryer than the Sahara desert. Stumbling over to the dresser across the room, I opened my eyes a little wider to be able to see where that damn off button for the alarm was. After I had successfully steadied my swaying tired body I turned the obnoxious alarm off.

"I'm up !" I yelled across the room, starting to make my way to my bedroom door.

I swung the door open to reveal my bright eyed and bushy tailed roommate Destine. She looked at me with one of her perfectly done eyebrows raised.

"I thought you might have died on me." She said in all seriousness, handing me a cup of fresh coffee.

" Sorry to disappoint." I took a sip of the steaming hot liquid.

I finally had my eyes open wide enough to take in my surroundings. Destine had on a bright green tee and light blue skinny jeans, complimenting her perfect hourglass figure. Her bleach blonde hair that was straightened to perfection fell gracefully on her shoulders.

I rolled my eyes, annoyed at the fact that I probably was a sight. My long auburn hair was tied up in a messy bun, my makeup from the night before was probably smeared all around my face. I had slept in an over sized black tee that I honestly had no idea who or where I got it from and a pair of bright pink shorts.

"I see Prince Charming didn't stay for breakfast...or dinner I should say." Destinee said glancing at her watch.

"Prince charming turned out to be a frog like the rest of them." I said taking another sip of my coffee.
" plus, I would rather he hit the road than stay for any reason."

"Huh, he wasn't any good in the bedroom I take it? Shame, he was real easy on the eyes."

She winked at me and then turned on her heal and started down our long hallway and around the corner down our stairs.

My home was a decent sized two floor house with grey stonework at the entrance and the rest of the house with light blue sighting. The windows were large with white wooden frames that let a little too much light in for my infamous hangovers taste. I made my way towards the kitchen and saw Destinee eying me from across the kitchen island.

"Take a picture it lasts longer!" I said sarcastically, already aware of what she was about to say.

" when are you and Adam going to finally make things official?"

"Never." I said scrunching my nose in distaste.

"You two hook up at least twice a week, but yet you don't want a relationship with him?" She said looking at me confused.

"I'm just not a relationship type, I like my life how it is right now.. I have my club, my music, my house. Why would I even need a guy to complicate all of that? I'm doing just fine on my own."

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